A motion to further extend the 90-day timeframe required for action by City Council on Ordinance No. 18-93 to September 3, 2019, pursuant to Section 1203.02(e)(3).
Brief Description: In order to allow sufficient time for notice of the public hearing and deliberations by City Council, staff requests that City Council pass a motion to adjust the schedule for adoption of Ordinance No. 18-93 - the administrative amendments to the Land Development Code (LDC).
Legislative History
Ordinance No. 18-93, “AN ORDINANCE AMENDING VARIOUS SECTIONS OF CHAPTERS 1201, 1202, 1203, 1204, 1205, 1206, 1207, 1208, 1209, 1210, 1211, 1212, AND 1213 AND AT APPENDIXES A, B, AND C OF THE CITY OF HUDSON’S LAND DEVELOPMENT CODE, nka THE “PLANNING AND ZONING CODE”; currently being considered.
Motion #19-0049, Council took similar action earlier this year to extend the timeframe to August 6, 2019; however, cancellation of the July 16th Council meeting necessitated rescheduling the public hearing for Ord. No. 18-93 to August 20th. See new schedule below.
Purpose & Explanation
In order to allow sufficient time for notice of the public hearing and deliberations by City Council, staff requests that City Council pass a motion to adjust the schedule for adoption of Ordinance No. 18-93 - the administrative amendments to the LDC.
Fiscal Impact
Currently Budgeted
Supplemental Appropriation Required
X Appropriation Not Required
Timing Considerations
Staff has established the following schedule for council consideration in coordination with the various LDC requirements related to the public hearing and required action.
• August 20, 2019: Public Hearing
• August 27, 2019: Workshop
• September 3, 2019: Council Action *
Timeline Restrictions per the LDC requirements:
1. Council has 90 days from receipt of the recommendation on April 2nd to take action.
* Deadline to be extended to September 3, 2019.
2. Council has 20 days after the Public Hearing (August 20th) to take action.
* Final action anticipated on September 3, 2019 (if Council fails to take action on
September 3, 2019, then Council will also need to extend the deadline for approval).
3. Council must advertise the request for 30 days prior to holding the public hearing.
Notice was published on the City’s website and in July 21, 2019 Hudson Hub-Times.
Suggested Action
Staff recommends passage of this motion to extend the deadline for Council action on Ordinance No. 18-93 to September 3, 2019.
Submitted by,
Jane Howington, City Manager
Thomas Sheridan, Assistant City Manager - Professional Services
Greg Hannan, Community Development Director