A Motion authorizing the City Manager to move forward with a Professional Services Contract with Research Analytics Consulting LLC for a Downtown Development Community Survey.
Brief Description: The purpose of this proposal is to assist in the development, implementation, compilation, and analysis of a statistically significant random community survey questionnaire to assess a vacant 20-acre City owned property located within our central business district. The final survey shall identify community ideas and priorities for the future development of this downtown area, and the consultant’s fee shall not exceed $17,000.00.
Legislative History
Purpose & Explanation
In November 2020, the City sent out Request for Proposals (RFP) to eleven (11) qualified consultants within the United States that perform similar types of survey and analysis. The proposals were due on December 11, 2020. The City received two (2) formal RFP for the Downtown Development Community Survey as listed below.
Following the 3-member staff review of the two proposals in December, and interviews with each consultant as to their ability to do the required work and understanding of the RFP, the City staff is recommending Research Analytics Consulting, LLC of Pittsburgh, PA. to perform the Community Survey. The total not-to-exceed fee submitted by Research Analytics Consulting, LLC is $17,000.00.
The other consultant’s fee proposals are noted below:
Other consultant proposals:
BNIM, Kansas City, Missouri $44,800.00
Unresponsive Consultants:
Goody-Clancy, Boston (They do not cover in-house)
SCB, Chicago (No Response)
Schmidt, Pittsburgh (Declined participation)
One Bridge Tech, Indianapolis (No Response)
Survey Design & Analysis, Denver (No Response)
DPZ, Miami (No Response)
Gallup, Omaha (No Response)
Usman Group, Chicago (Declined due to current workloads.)
Precision Opinion, Las Vegas (No Response)
For any considerations above this requested amount of $17,000.00, the City staff would return to the City Council for approval.
Legal Authority for Proposed Legislation
Pursuant to Charter Section 6.04:
Competitively bid and advertised for three consecutive weeks.
Joint or Cooperative Purchase Program
X Professional Services
X Other, expense does not exceed $25,000 and is within the City Manager’s spending authority.
Fiscal Impact
Currently Budgeted
X Supplemental Appropriation Required
Appropriation Not Required
Suggested Action
Staff recommends City Council approve this Motion authorizing the City Manager to enter into a professional services contract with Research Analytics Consulting, LLC for the Downtown Development Community Survey.
Submitted by,
Jane Howington, City Manager
Thomas J. Sheridan, Assistant City Manager - Professional Services
Jeff Knoblauch, Assistant City Manager - Finance Director
Jody Roberts, Communication Manager