Brief Description: The Adaptive Traffic Signal System Project will replace the existing traffic control system within the downtown areas of Hudson to make the intersections safer and reduce traffic congestion.
Legislative History
19-0056 - Discussion on Adaptive Signal Technology; 6/11/2019
19-92 - Authorize City Manager to Solicit Proposals for Stage 1; 7/9/2019
20-0031 - Discussion regarding Adaptive Signal Timing Analysis; 3/10/2020
21-12 - Authorize Contract with TMS for Adaptive Signal Design; 2/16/2021
21-83 - Authorize Application for CMAQ Funds; 7/20/2021
Purpose & Explanation
We have been fortunate to preserve our cities historical charm by maintaining only two-lane roads within our central business district along both state routes (91 & 303), and the adaptive signals technology will permit us to continue to maintain this level of infrastructure for years to come. The real-time adaptive signal system that has been designed will be the traffic control system that most communities will be going to in the future as their systems become outdated and it provides the most efficient means of moving vehicular traffic through our busy downtown areas in Hudson. The system will reduce the need for additional lanes or adding bypass routes around our downtown which will negatively affect our economic development in the downtown area of Hudson. Widening of the roads also brings more pavement to maintain, more to resurface, additional snowplowing and increases in our impervious footprint downtown that puts more burden on our existing storm water system. (See the attached list of intersections Exhibit A.)
The adaptive signal work is scheduled to be completed within 8 to 10 months from the award of the bid. The project will also upgrade the current emergency services vehicle pre-emption Opticom system, that was budgeted in 2022 for improvements.
The estimated project cost of construction including a 5% contingency is $1,952,071, which includes all the alternate bid items added since the 2019 study was completed. (Refer to Exhibit B for breakdown of costs)
Following the approval of this Resolution by City Council, the Engineering Department will advertise in the local newspaper and our website and receive bids for this project. Staff will return to Council after we receive bids for Council’s approval of the lowest and best bidder and for approval of the alternate bid items.
Legal Authority for Proposed Legislation
Pursuant to Charter Section 6.04, Contracts & Purchasing:
X Competitively bid and advertised for three consecutive weeks
Joint or Cooperative Purchase Program
Professional Services
Other [provide explanation]
Fiscal Impact
X Currently Budgeted (Roadway Fund 2021 Budget 430 Account $1,000,000; 2022 Budget $105,000 for Emergency Services Pre-Emption System)
__X Supplemental Appropriation Required (Base Bid $167,737 cost adjustment from the 2019 study; Alternate bid item totaling = $607,378, Based on Council approval; Safety funds appropriation needed from 2022 is $84,000 for the preemption system budgeted in 2022. A 5% Contingency = $92,956.00)
Appropriation Not Required
Does this legislation require use of an emergency clause?
X No
Suggested Action
Staff recommends that Council approve this authorization for the City Manager to advertise and receive bids for the Adaptive Traffic Signal System Project. Staff will return to City Council to review the bids and alternatives.
Submitted by,
Jane Howington, City Manager
Thomas J. Sheridan, Assistant City Manager, Professional Services
Bradley S. Kosco, P.E., P.S., City Engineer