Brief Description: The SR 91 South Safety Improvement Project design limits are on SR 91 (S. Main Street) from Barlow Road to the Stoney Hill Drive intersection. The project will include adding a center two-way turn lane, resurfacing, and adding 5-foot-wide bike lanes and sidewalks on both the east and west sides of SR 91.
Legislative History
16-0123 - Discussion regarding S. Main Street Safety Study
17-105 - Affirming submission of an Application for CMAQ Funds
18-0101 - S. Main Street Preliminary Design discussion
18-97 - Enter into Contract with GPD for Preliminary Engineering Services
18-186 - Enter into LPA Agreement
20-22 - Enter into Contract with GPD for Final Engineering Services
21-30 - Enter into contract with OR Colan for right-of-way acquisition services
21-122 - Enter into Temporary Easement
21-136 - Intent to Appropriate
Purpose & Explanation
The project limits are on SR 91 (S. Main Street) from Barlow Road to the Stoney Hill Drive intersection. The project is being partially funded via an ODOT Safety Program Grant and AMATS Congestion Mitigation/Air Quality (CMAQ) grant. The project goal is to implement four countermeasures outlined in the State Route 91 Safety Study submitted and approved by ODOT in 2016 which are:
1. Widen SR 91 to accommodate a center two-way left turn lane throughout the project area.
2. Resurface the SR 91 corridor throughout the length of the project limits.
3. Construct 5’ bike lanes on the east and west side of SR 91.
4. Construct sidewalks on the east and west side of SR 91.
The outside agency funding for the project is broken down as follows:
AMATS - CMAQ funding (administered by ODOT)
80% funding with 20% local match
Original Amount: $2.5 million No funds have been used yet, these funds are dedicated for construction and must be completely spent on construction before any ODOT Safety funds are spent on construction.
ODOT Safety Funds
90% funding with 20% local match
Original Amount: $1.5 million
Amount Remaining: Approximately $920,000 will remain for Construction as some Safety funds are currently being spent on the project design and right of way acquisition. Note that per ODOT, Safety funds cannot be used for construction until all of the AMATS, CMAQ funding has been spent on construction.
The current estimated costs of construction of the project is $2,684,000 of which $2,147,200 (80%) will be paid with CMAQ funding and $536,800 (20%) with City funding. An additional 10% contingency is requested in the amount of $268,400 for a total construction cost of $2,952,400. The contingency will also be funded at 80% CMAQ funding ($214,720) and 20% City funding ($53,680).
The total estimated construction budget is $2,952,400 ($2,684,000 (construction contract) + $268,400 (10% contingency) = $2,952,400). Of this amount, the City’s estimated cost is $590,480 ($536,800 + $53,680 = $590,480).
Staff will return to Council for a separate request to enter into contract for a Construction Management contract for the project which will include consultant administration, testing, and inspection services for the project. The State will fund 80% of this Construction Management cost and the City is responsible for the 20% local match portion of the construction administrative, testing and inspection costs.
The project is scheduled to be formally bid in March 2022 and construction would begin in April 2022. The construction duration will be approximately 15-18 months.
Legal Authority for Proposed Legislation
Pursuant to Charter Section 6.04:
X Competitively bid and advertised for three consecutive weeks
Joint or Cooperative Purchase Program
Professional Services
Fiscal Impact
X Currently Budgeted (430 fund - $700,000)
Supplemental Appropriation Required
Appropriation Not Required
Does this legislation require use of an emergency clause?
X No
Suggested Action
Staff recommends that City Council approve this authorization for the City Manager to advertise, receive bids, and enter into a contract for the SR 91 South Safety Improvement Project
Submitted by,
Jane Howington, City Manager
Thomas J. Sheridan, Assistant City Manager - Professional Services
Bradley S. Kosco, P.E., P.S., City Engineer
Nate Wonsick, P.E., Assistant City Engineer