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File #: 21-0107    Version: Name:
Type: Staff Report Status: Filed
File created: 12/9/2021 In control: City Council Workshop
On agenda: 4/26/2022 Final action: 4/26/2022
Title: A discussion with City Council regarding the request by the Margaret Clark Morgan Foundation, Dba Peg's Foundation, for the City of Hudson to complete various public improvements at the northwest Village Green. Brief Description: The Margaret Clark Morgan Foundation (Peg's Foundation) is advancing the Park Lane Square development including the restoration of the historic Baldwin-Buss-Merino House and new construction of Peg's Foundation offices and gallery. To support the new public spaces, Peg's Foundation has requested the city consider improvements to the abutting Village Green. Council initially discussed this concept on December 14, 2021.
Indexes: Engineering
Attachments: 1. Site plan - Village Green improvements


A discussion with City Council regarding the request by the Margaret Clark Morgan Foundation, Dba Peg’s Foundation, for the City of Hudson to complete various public improvements at the northwest Village Green.

Brief Description:   The Margaret Clark Morgan Foundation (Peg’s Foundation) is advancing the Park Lane Square development including the restoration of the historic Baldwin-Buss-Merino House and new construction of Peg’s Foundation offices and gallery.  To support the new public spaces, Peg’s Foundation has requested the city consider improvements to the abutting Village Green.  Council initially discussed this concept on December 14, 2021.    


Legislative History

Workshop discussion on December 14, 2021.

Purpose & Explanation

As City Council is aware, the Margaret Clark Morgan Foundation (Peg’s Foundation) is advancing a $9 million investment at the Park Lane Square, including the restoration of the historic Baldwin-Buss-Merino House (in partnership with the Baldwin-Buss House Foundation) and new construction of Peg’s Foundation offices and gallery.  The City Council previously discussed this project at the December 14, 2021 workshop and multiple improvements.  At that time, the requested scope for city work included a fire pit, benches, sculpture, and trash cans and sidewalks on the developer’s property.  Since the initial discussion in December, Peg’s Foundation has revised their plans and is requesting the City Council to consider a reduced improvement of new sidewalk enhancements on the northwest Village Green which would connect to the sidewalk improvements on the Peg’s Foundation site.  The proposed improvements for city completion are as follows:

1.                     East-west public sidewalk extension along the north portion of the green (1,413 sq ft).

2.                     Restoration of existing historic sandstone walk leading to the Baldwin House (410 sq ft)

3.                     Pruning of existing trees on green to enhance site visibility of the Baldwin-Buss House. 

The Engineer’s estimate for the scope of work is $26,000 and the Developer is requesting the city to be incorporated into the City’s annual concrete program in 2023.  The City Arborist has noted the anticipated tree pruning could be completed as part of regular annual Public Works activities.                       

Timing Considerations

Following the review and consideration by City Council, the City would proceed to incorporate this improvement into the 2023 annual concrete program.

Fiscal Impact

                       Currently Budgeted (Account #, $)

X                       Supplemental Appropriation Required (Northwest City Green estimate is $26,000.00. (2023 - Account 430 - Annual Concrete Budget)

         Appropriation Not Required.



Suggested Action

The City Administration requests City Council consider the proposed green improvements and if approved, staff would proceed to incorporate into the 2023 annual concrete program. 

Submitted by,

Jane Howington, City Manager

Thomas J. Sheridan, Assistant City Manager - Professional Services

Bradley Kosco, PE, PS, City Engineer

Greg Hannan, Community Development Director