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File #: 25-0012    Version: 1 Name:
Type: Staff Report Status: Agenda Ready
File created: 1/17/2025 In control: City Council Workshop
On agenda: 1/28/2025 Final action:
Title: Downtown Pedestrian Safety Improvements, Phase 2 Brief Description: City staff would like to discuss with City Council, Phase 2 of the Downtown Pedestrian Safety Improvements.
Indexes: Community Development
Attachments: 1. Map of Downtown Ped Imp P2 Improvements, 2. Downtown Ped P2 Summary, 3. Downtown Ped P2 Public Comments, 4. Exhibit - Sidewalk on 91 and Crosswalk at Colony, 5. Exhibit -Bumpout at Owen Brown & 91, 6. Downtown Ped Imp P2 Concept Plans
Related files: 24-26


Downtown Pedestrian Safety Improvements, Phase 2

Brief Description: City staff would like to discuss with City Council, Phase 2 of the Downtown Pedestrian Safety Improvements. 


Legislative History

Res No. 24-26 - Enter into Professional Services Agreement with American Structurepoint, Inc.; 3/5/2024

Purpose & Explanation

In 2022, the City finished a study titled the “Downtown Pedestrian Safety Study”. The study included an evaluation of pedestrian and bicycle safety along three major areas (1) Aurora Street from E. Main Street to Hudson Street, (2) Main Street (SR 91) from Stoney Hill Drive to Prospect Street and (3) E. Streetsboro Street (SR 303) from Main Street to Hayden Parkway. The study included recommended improvements to promote ADA compliance, improve safety for pedestrians/bicyclists and help encourage pedestrian and bicycle travel along the study corridors.
Phase 1 design work included upgrades to the Hudson Street and Aurora Street intersection, N. Main Street and Baldwin sidewalk and curb ramps and College Street and Aurora Street curb ramps. 

In 2023, the City applied for and was awarded funding through the Ohio Department of Transportation’s (ODOT’s) Highway Safety Improvements Program for Phase 2 of the Downtown Pedestrian Safety Improvements 

The design and construction of the project includes pedestrian improvements along N. and S. Main Street and E. Streetsboro Streets. Improvements include high visibility crosswalks, curb ramp upgrades, new sidewalk, and countdown pedestrian signal heads. An overall map of the planned improvement locations, summary of improvements, the concept, preliminary improvements plans, and site-specific plans are attached for further reference. 

Included in the proposed improvements is a new sidewalk along the east side of S. Main Street from Colony Drive to Nantucket Drive.  Installation of the sidewalk will require temporary right-of-way acquisitions from approximately six property owners in this area due to grading needed to install the sidewalk.  The right-of-way purchase will be required to follow the federal requirements for acquisitions.  Staff will return to Council for permission to hire a right-of-way consultant to assist the City with the property purchases.

At the Colony Drive & S. Main Street intersection, a crosswalk with refuge island is recommended.  Included at the crosswalk is the introduction of a new Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacon (RRFB).

Preliminary plans were developed, published on the City’s website and presented to the public at a project open house meeting on October 16, 2024.  Public Comments are included as an attachment to this memo. 

Construction is planned to begin in the spring/summer of 2026. 

Timing Considerations


Fiscal Impact

                       Currently Budgeted (Account #, $)

                       Supplemental Appropriation Required (Account #, $)

                     X                       Appropriation Not Required.



Suggested Action

City staff will take Council comments into consideration before commencing with the next phase of design.

Submitted by,

Thomas J. Sheridan, City Manager
Brian Griffith, Assistant City Manager
Bradley Kosco, P.E., P.S., City Engineer
Jonathon Szalay, P.E. Senior Engineer