Ohio Environmental Protection Agency Diesel Mitigation Trust Fund Grant Application For Electric Vehicle Charging Stations
Brief Description: Staff is seeking Council direction on an application for funding of a dual port level 2 electric vehicle charging station to be located in the First & Main parking terrace.
Legislative History
Purpose & Explanation
Through the Ohio Environmental Protection Agency, the City of Hudson is eligible to receive up to $15,000 or 100% of the cost of equipment and installation of a dual port level 2 electric vehicle charging station. The total estimated cost of the equipment and installation is $30,000. Eligible costs include the charging station, conduit, signs, bollards, concrete, striping, installation, 5-year network fee, and warranty & maintenance fees. The dual port level 2 vehicle charging station is estimated to be $15,000 with the installation and related costs to be provided by Hudson Public Power. Installation and related costs are estimated at $15,000.
Based on considerations for preferred sites, Staff has determined the lower level of the City-owned parking terrace located in First & Main is the most suitable location. The proposed site is in close proximity to the electrical closet. This site also has nearby amenities including food and restrooms.
Considerations for grant awards are based on Priority Counties: Summit is one. Proximity to major roadways: State Route 91 is considered a major arterial. Distance from nearest public charger: the nearest public charger is 4 miles away.
Additional considerations: Electric Vehicle Charging Station must be capable of data collection and electronic payment. Application must indicate if fees will be charged and describe fee structure. If no fee is charged, host must explain how to limit occupying charger longer than needed for charge. Charging station must be registered with AFDC’s Alternative Fuel Station Locator and PlugShare. The City would commit to 5 years of maintaining operation of the charging station and providing reports on operation to the Ohio Environmental Protection Agency.
Timing Considerations
Grant application is due September 30, 2020.
Fiscal Impact
Currently Budgeted (Account #, $)
Supplemental Appropriation Required (Account #, $)
X Appropriation Not Required.
Suggested Action
Staff seeks City Council direction whether to move the project forward.
Submitted by,
Jane Howington, City Manager
Frank Comeriato, Asst. City Manager- Operations
Kevin Powell- Asst. Public Works Director
Rhonda Kadish, Grants Coordinator