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File #: 25-0002    Version: 1 Name:
Type: Staff Report Status: Agenda Ready
File created: 12/20/2024 In control: City Council Workshop
On agenda: 1/14/2025 Final action:
Title: Stow Road Sidewalk Project (SR 303 to Ravenna Street) Brief Description: Staff would like to discuss the proposed alignment of the new sidewalk along Stow Road between SR 303 and Ravenna Street. The City's consultant GAI will be present to answer any questions.
Sponsors: Jeffrey L. Anzevino
Indexes: Engineering
Attachments: 1. Exhibit A - Location, 2. Exhibit B - Decision Matrix 10-22-24, 3. Exhibit C - Typical Section, 4. Exhibit D - Lets Talk Hudson, 5. Exhibit E - Public Input Form and Letter, 6. Stow Road Sidewalks_GAI Presentation 1-14-25
Related files: 24-44


Stow Road Sidewalk Project (SR 303 to Ravenna Street)

Brief Description:   Staff would like to discuss the proposed alignment of the new sidewalk along Stow Road between SR 303 and Ravenna Street.  The City’s consultant GAI will be present to answer any questions.


Legislative History

24-44 - Enter into a Contract with GAI for Design Services; 4/16/2024

Purpose & Explanation

A proposed sidewalk along Stow Road between SR 303 and Ravenna Street was planned as part of the approved 2021-2025 Sidewalk and Trail Master Plan.  Due to budget changes, his section of sidewalk is now currently budgeted for construction in 2026.

Staff would like to discuss the conceptual plans, decision matrix and budgets and provide recommendations for the new sidewalk along Stow Road.  Staff and the City’s consultant will be available to answer any questions from City Council and the Mayor.

Based upon previous public comments, this project’s preliminary design included an evaluation of introducing either a 5’ wide concrete sidewalk or larger width, asphalt path.  A summary of the proposed alignments and construction costs is as follows:

Alternate 1 - 5’ wide concrete sidewalk along the West side of Stow Road............. $1,240,000

Alternate 2- 8’ Asphalt Trail along the West side of Stow Road............................... $1,300,000

Alternate 3 - 5’ wide concrete sidewalk along the East side of Stow Road ...............$1,250,000

Alternate 4 - 8’ Asphalt Trail along the East side of Stow Road.............................. $1,320,000

See attached Exhibits including Plan View, Decision Matrix and Typical Sections for the project for further information.

A public input meeting was held on November 7, 2024.  Three (3) Hudson residents attended the meeting to review the proposed sidewalk alignment and discuss the project with staff/consultant.  Additional follow up letters were sent to impacted residents encouraging public input on the proposed project.  Comments from the public input meeting, those submitted via the City’s website or submitted by other means are included as Exhibit - Public Comments.

Based upon comments received, the recommended alignment for consideration is Alternate 2 - 8’ Asphalt Trail along the West side of Stow Road.

Note that private property impacts will be avoided where possible but are likely needed for grading and other construction needs for both sidewalk installation and trail installation.  However, the overall number of parcels impacted, and the total private property area impacted would be greater for the trail design given its larger footprint. 

Staff is requesting concurrence from Council to proceed with the final design of Alternate 2, 8-foot wide, pathway along west side of Stow Road at an estimated construction cost of $1,300,000.

Fiscal Impact

                     X                       Currently Budgeted (2026 budget - $1,600,000)

                                            Supplemental Appropriation Required

                       Appropriation Not Required.



Suggested Action

The City Administration recommends City Council approve GAI’s recommendations and make a motion to proceed to final design.


Submitted by,

Thomas J. Sheridan, City Manager

Bradley Kosco, P.E., P.S., City Engineer

David Rapp, P.E., P.S., Assistant City Engineer