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File #: 13-161    Version: 1 Name:
Type: Resolution Status: Passed
File created: 11/26/2013 In control: City Council
On agenda: 12/18/2013 Final action: 12/18/2013
Title: A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO ENTER INTO A CONTRACT WITH THE GPD GROUP FOR ENGINEERING DESIGN SERVICES FOR THE DARROW ROAD (STATE RT. 91) DOWNTOWN IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT; AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. Executive Summary: This project is located in Hudson's Historic District. The project limits are from just North of SR 303 to Owen Brown Street along SR 91 (N. Main Street). The project will include some construction along Park Lane, Church Street, Aurora Street and Clinton Street intersections. (Note: AMATS funding is from SR 303 to Clinton Street.)
Sponsors: William A. Currin
Indexes: Engineering
Attachments: 1. Resolution No 13-161
Related files: 16-4, 15-0062, 16-63, 16-0030
Executive Summary:   This project is located in Hudson's Historic District.  The project limits are from just North of SR 303 to Owen Brown Street along SR 91 (N. Main Street).  The project will include some construction along Park Lane, Church Street, Aurora Street and Clinton Street intersections.  (Note: AMATS funding is from SR 303 to Clinton Street.)
Legislative History
Purpose & Explanation
The current project concept includes: replacing the signal at Main Street (SR 91) and Clinton and Aurora Streets; milling the entire pavement area, full and partial depth repairs followed by resurfacing on Main Street (SR 91) from Streetsboro Street (SR 303) to Clinton including paving to the ends of the returns; evaluating and replacing or resetting sandstone curbs with sandstone or concrete, as needed; replacing waterline (circa 1912); evaluating storm system and replacing as needed including the use of "green" or "LEED" design elements.  Installation of actuated overhead cross walk signals at: mid-block between Church Street and Aurora Streets and at Main Street (SR 91) and Church Street; replacing walks with new streetscape in accordance with the design concept completed by McKnight & Assoc. from Streetsboro Street (SR 303) to Owen Brown Street, placing textured walk/pavers, placing street tree planters, benches, and landscaping and other miscellaneous items, replacing existing pedestrian and Cobra lighting with LED lights; creating a new pervious walk, as directed, on the east side of Main Street from Church Street to Aurora Street; and evaluating, updating, and replacing traffic control devices as needed (signage and striping).  
The consultant will be responsible for the final streetscape concept and design.  The consultant shall have experience or a sub-consultant with experience in streetscape design.  Environmentally friendly design elements will be considered and incorporated where feasible.   As this project falls within a commercial area of Hudson, an emphasis will be placed on minimizing impacts to the adjacent businesses, pedestrians and vehicular traffic during construction with innovative ideas to resolve impacts from construction.  Extensive maintenance of traffic plans including provisions to keep walk and entrances open, night work as needed, detailed signage, detailed sequence of construction will be utilized to minimize impacts.  
This project is highly visible and has a significant impact on the community.  As such the consultant will be meeting with the public and City officials to gather input and refine the improvements as the project progresses through design.  (Approximately 3 meetings)
The project will not likely include permanent right-of-way takes however some temporary takes may be necessary.  The project will follow the NEPA (National Environmental Policy Act) environmental clearance process.
A request for design qualifications for this project was publicly advertised and we had five engineering design firms (GPD Group, M+S, B&N, Arcadis and Benza & Assoc.) submit proposals.  After evaluation of the qualifications and interviews, GPD Group was selected to submit a fee proposal.  This process, or quality based selection (QBS), is the approved method of consultant selection by the Ohio Department of Transportation (ODOT).  ODOT is the administrator of the federal funds being utilized for right of way and construction of this project.  To be eligible for the federal funds the City must follow the approved process for consultant selection. The City negotiated with GPD Group and settled on a base fee is $334,698 without contingency.  An additional $78,617 in fees were identified for potential additional environment and, utility investigation work.  
The major fee elements are as follows:
      Element            Fee      % of Const.
Base Design            $334,698            15.8%
R/W Admin.(IA)            $16,000            0.8%
Environ. Ph. 1 (IA)            $48,550            2.3%
SUE (IA)            $14,067            0.7%
Subtotal            $413,315            19.5%
5% Contingency            $20,666            1.0%
Total            $433,981            20.5%
IA = If Authorized, may not require the full amount
The base design includes development of the plans, specifications and details. Environmental Phase 1 work includes preliminary level environmental investigation of all areas of concern, historic, archeological, ecological, hazardous, etc.  right-of-way. Administration includes the acquisition efforts which includes appraisals, negotiations, filings, etc.  At this point it is unclear how many parcels the consultant has estimated 4 takes (temporary).  The Environmental Phase 1 work involves detailed investigations of any areas (noted above) which warrant further investigation.  Subsurface Utility Investigation (SUE) involves field investigation of high priority underground utilities where the exact location is critical.  SUE is a form of precise surveying to ascertain the exact locations of existing buried utility lines.  ODOT requires that SUE work be performed in order to mitigate changes during construction due to unforeseen conflicts that may arise when actual locations are found to differ from record information. Post Design Services includes items such as shop drawing review and staking/pinning of permanent right of way.  This fee is a cost plus contract with a not to exceed amount, which means that the City will only pay for the services completed.  So if only 1 take is necessary we will only pay ¼ of the noted fee.  It should be stated that a significant portion of the fees are, if authorized, meaning that the work may not be necessary and that work and the associated fees will only be utilized if they are necessary.
As a part of our due diligence in fee negotiations we spoke with ODOT regarding typical fee percentages as it relates to construction.  Based on the information provide they experience awarded recent fees for this type of work ranging from 20% to 30%.
As with other professional services contracts we are requesting a 5% contingency to handle any minor changes in the scope of services that may occur during the course of the plan development.  For this contract the 5% amount would be $20,666.  For large considerations we would return to the City Council for any additional funds necessary to correct or adjust the situation.
Timing Considerations
The design will begin once the contract is approved by City Council.  The anticipated schedule for the completion of the construction of the improvements is 2016.
Fiscal Impact
      X        Currently Budgeted ($150,000-430 fund)
      X        Supplemental Appropriation Required ($283,981-430 fund)
        Appropriation Not Required.
Suggested Action
Staff recommends that City Council approve the recommended resolution authorizing the City Manager to enter into a contract with GPD Group for the design of the Darrow Road (SR 91) Downtown Improvements Project.  The total amount including the contingency and if authorized items would be $433,981.  City staff is also requesting that an emergency clause be added to the legislation in order to protect the welfare and safety of the public.
Submitted by,
Scott N. Schroyer, Interim City Manager
Thomas J. Sheridan, PE, PS, City Engineer
Christopher J. Papp, PE, Project Manager