A Presentation of the Hudson Public Power System Meter Change-Out & Data Collection System
Brief Description: This project will involve the replacement of the City’s aging electric system meters and the installation of an electric meter management system. City staff and the project consultants wish to present the details of the project to provide City Council with clear understanding of the project’s scope and purpose.
Legislative History
Resolution No. 18-188 permission to bid
Purpose & Explanation
In 2008 HPP changed out the its existing antiquated mechanical electrical meters with an upgraded AMR (Automatic Meter Reading) type meter. The AMR meters were equipped with single direction communication which eliminated the need for individual meter reading and allowed for a “drive-by wireless meter data collection. With the standard AMR meter having a life cycle of 10 years, in 2016 HPP staff began looking at replacement options for the AMR meters and looked at the major vendors in the metering market. Conferring with end users, by 2017 staff began narrowing down the meter options. One of the criteria in the process was the ability of a new metering system to communicate with the City’s existing water meters. The meters that will be specified will accommodate that feature and be the companion components to a new AMI system (Advanced Metering Infrastructure) which allows metering systems to communicate bidirectionally to provide additional functionality, save time and improving efficiency. AMI systems are the core component in intelligent type systems to improve the customer experience with addons such as customer portal for complete account access and operational tools such as outage management.
The meter purchases and change outs for the project has been budgeted at $650,000. The estimated cost of the remaining system components, hardware, software, and installations is estimated at $950,000.00. Portions of the project will require use of the public bidding process as system design and specifications are developed. Hudson Public Power has included the project in the 2021-2025 five-year budget plan.
The sequence to complete this project would entail finalizing the design and specifications, soliciting bids for various components, product procurement, scheduling, installation of hardware and integration of software systems, start-up, and sunset of existing system.
Timing Considerations
Upon Council approval of this AMI project in the 2021 budget, staff will plan to execute the project in 2021
Fiscal Impact
Currently Budgeted (Account #, $)
Supplemental Appropriation Required (Account #, $)
Appropriation Not Required.
Suggested Action
No action required at this time.
Submitted by,
Jane Howington, City Manager
Frank J. Comeriato, Jr., Asst. City Manager - Operations
Kevin Powell, Asst. Public Works Director - Utilities