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File #: 20-60    Version: 1 Name:
Type: Resolution Status: Passed
File created: 4/27/2020 In control: City Council
On agenda: 5/19/2020 Final action: 5/19/2020
Title: A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO ENTER INTO A CONTRACT WITH ELECTRIC POWER SYSTEMS FOR MAINTENANCE OF THE EASTSIDE SUBSTATION. Brief Description: The Hudson Public Power Division (HPP) has five substations located throughout the city. HPP has these substations on a five-year rotating maintenance schedule, so only one substation at a time is receiving testing and preventative maintenance. In April of 2020, the Public Works Department advertised for competitive bids for the performance of the Preventative Maintenance on the Eastside Substation. As such, Public Works now wishes to award the contract.
Sponsors: Craig Shubert
Indexes: Public Works - Electric
Attachments: 1. Bid Tab Report - Preventative Maintenance and Relay Testing at the Eastside Substation, 2. Resolution No. 20-60
Related files: 19-185



Brief Description:  The Hudson Public Power Division (HPP) has five substations located throughout the city. HPP has these substations on a five-year rotating maintenance schedule, so only one substation at a time is receiving testing and preventative maintenance. In April of 2020, the Public Works Department advertised for competitive bids for the performance of the Preventative Maintenance on the Eastside Substation. As such, Public Works now wishes to award the contract.


Legislative History

Resolution No. 19-185; permission to bid and/ or obtain competitive pricing .

Purpose & Explanation

Annually the Hudson Public Power Division (HPP) contracts for the performance of preventative maintenance and inspections on one of the five distribution substations located in the City.  In 2020, this contract will cover maintenance activities at the Eastside Substation, located across from the High School next to the Turnpike on Stow Road.  The preventative maintenance tasks include the following: infrared scan of all structures for loose connections, timing and calibration of all feeder breakers as well as the 69KV breaker, relay testing and certification.

Public Works staff budgeted $60,000 for this contract. The department received two (2) qualified bids for the 2020 contract. A Bid tabulation has been attached for review.  The low bid was submitted by Electric Power Systems in the amount of $37,000 with a 15% contract contingency, for a total contract amount not to exceed $42,550.00.      

Legal Authority for Proposed Legislation

Pursuant to Charter Section 6.04:

  X                      Competitively bid and advertised for two consecutive weeks; bid tab attached:  Yes

                       Joint or Cooperative Purchase Program

                       Professional Services

                       Other [provide explanation]

Fiscal Impact

X      Currently Budgeted (Account #, $)

                       Supplemental Appropriation Required (Account #, $)

                       Appropriation Not Required.

Does this legislation require use of an emergency clause?

                       Yes [if so, explain why]

X       No


Suggested Action

Staff recommends that the 2020 Substation Maintenance contract be awarded to Electrical Power Systems, 2888 Nationwide Parkway, Brunswick, OH 44212, in the amount of $37,000.00 plus a $5,550.00 (15%) contingency for a not to exceed contract amount of $42,550.00.

Submitted by,

Jane Howington, City Manager

Frank J. Comeriato, Jr., Assistant City Manager - Operations

Kevin Powell, Assistant Director of Public Works