Fire and EMS Staffing and Facility Needs Study Final Report by K2M Design and Matrix Consulting.
Brief Description: The K2M Design and Matrix Consulting Group staff will be giving a detailed presentation on their final report for the Fire and EMS Staffing and Facility Needs Study followed by discussion with City Council and the Mayor to answer any questions on this project.
Legislative History
4/12/2022 - 22-0037 - Fire and EMS Discussion with Council
9/3/24 - 24-102 - Professional Services Contract with K2M Design
10/22/24 - 24-0103 - Fire and EMS Staffing & Facility Needs Study project discussion
5/14/2024 - 24-0047 - Fire and EMS Discussion
Purpose & Explanation
Presentation of the Fire and EMS Staffing and Facility Needs study requested in the RFP.
The Staffing Study Portion: The Consultant shall evaluate the Fire and EMS Department’s current daily citywide shift staffing levels, review alternative staffing models based on professional experience and safety of staff, and evaluate the efficiency, effectiveness of the current operations and the future needs of the City with a formal recommendation in the final Study.
The Facility Needs Study Portion: The Study shall also evaluate the current and future needed Fire and EMS facilities and equipment in Fire and EMS. Review options to improve the facilities based on current and potentially future requirements and budgets in order that the city may plan, and budget for the future needs of the two departments based on the consultant’s recommendations.
Fiscal Impact
Currently Budgeted (Professional Services - Total $100,558 - 2024 Budget )
X Supplemental Appropriation Required (2024 Carryover, Professional Services $100,558 - Fire 221-1200-52340 - $50,279 and EMS 224-1300-52340 -$50,279)
Appropriation Not Required.
Suggested Action
The City Manager and Fire Chief recommends Council ask any questions as needed of K2M Design and Matrix Consulting regarding this study and provide direction to the Administration on how they would like us to proceed.
Submitted by,
Thomas J. Sheridan, City Manager
Jerry Varnes, Fire/EMS Chief