Discussion: Warning Signals for Hines Hill Grade Separation
Executive Summary: Staff wishes to discuss the costs of installation of warning signals and communications equipment to monitor railroad traffic and provide critical safety services through the Hines Hill grade separation.
Legislative History
Purpose & Explanation
Frequently, northbound train traffic must stop prior to receiving permission to enter the train yard located north of Hudson. Occasionally, stopped trains block Hines Hill Road and impact the delivery of emergency services as well as normal traffic. Staff has been asked to explore options to communicate this traffic flow impact to emergency dispatchers as well as motorists traveling Hines Hill Road. After exploring several options with several different vendors, staff would recommend the installation of the following equipment to ensure the proper flow of information to safety dispatchers and motorists. This equipment would include a camera, communications equipment, associated fiber and electric, and two new signs. One sign would be located near the intersection of Hines Hill Road and Prospect Street to alert westbound traffic. The second sign would be located near the intersection of Hines Hill Road and Walters Road to alert eastbound traffic. The camera would feed a live streaming signal to our dispatch center. Dispatchers can monitor the live camera feed and when a train blocks the flow of traffic, dispatchers can route emergency services appropriately and remotely switch on the signals alerting approaching motorists. The installation of the equipment would consist of the following costs:
Camera Purchase- $850
Networking Hardware- $1,000
Signal Signage ($6,500 X 2)- $13,000
Installation of Electrical Poles, Transformers and Conductors (3 locations)- $15,000
Installation of 3,200 lineal feet of Fiber- $12,000
Annual Cost of Cloud-based Remote Access- $5,000
The total initial start-up costs would be $46,850. The recurring annual costs would be $5,000. While these numbers represent a true hard cost, it should be noted that a small portion of the project may be completed in-house if work schedules and timing permits.
Timing Considerations
Fiscal Impact
Currently Budgeted
X Supplemental Appropriation Required
Appropriation Not Required.
Suggested Action
Staff hopes to have a discussion about these costs and determine the next steps if Council members deem implementation is appropriate.
Submitted by,
Jane Howington, City Manager
Frank J. Comeriato, Jr., Assistant City Manager - Operations
Eric Hutchinson, Assistant Public Works Director - Services
Kevin Powell, Assistant Public Works Director - Utilities
Bill Hilbish, Information Systems Manager