A Discussion regarding the effort to expand Fiber to the Residents.
Brief Description: The Fiber to the Residents Ad Hoc Committee and Staff are prepared to discuss the feasibility and next steps to expand Velocity Broadband fiber services to residents in Hudson who do not have fiber service today.
Legislative History
Purpose & Explanation
City Staff, in collaboration with the Fiber to the Residents Ad Hoc Committee, have explored several options to provide fiber access to unserved areas in the community. After significant efforts to establish a public-private partnership, it was determined that this approach was not feasible. At the Committee’s direction, attention shifted to evaluating the expansion of the existing Velocity Broadband network.
After reviewing several options of how to best provide fiber access to the unserved areas of the community, City Staff and the Fiber to the Residents Ad Hoc Committee are prepared to discuss the next steps to expand Velocity Broadband to these areas. Staff will present the financial feasibility to service these areas, and a proposed deployment plan.
Legal Authority for Proposed Legislation
Competitively bid and advertise for two consecutive weeks
Joint or Cooperative Purchase Program
Professional Services
____ Other
Fiscal Impact
Currently Budgeted
Supplemental Appropriation Required
Appropriation Not Required.
Does this legislation require use of an emergency clause?
_ No
Suggested Action
Submitted by,
Thomas J. Sheridan, City Manager
Jeff Knoblauch, Asst. City Manager - Finance Director
Paul Leedham, Chief Innovation Officer -- IT Director
Will Ersing, Asst. IT Director