Status Update on the 95 Owen Brown Street Service Facility Debris Clean-up project.
MEETING: August 21, 2012
Executive Summary
With the recent (6/6/12) rejection of the bidders (2) for the spoils removal project at the 95 Owen Brown Street Service Facility, Mr. Basil (Ward 2 - Council President) requested staff provide City Council Members and the Mayor with an update on the status of the 95 Owen Brown Street Service Facility Debris Clean-up project.
In summary, Public Works Department staff is evaluating several less-costly options to remove the debris. The attached memo (8/15/12) from Mr. Comeriato, Jr., Public Works Director explains the options they are considering.
Legislative History
1/18/12 Approved Resolution # 12-04 Seeking Permission to bid and/or obtain competitive pricing for spoils removal at the 95 Owen Brown Street Service Facility.
6/6/12 Approved motion to reject all bids for the spoils removal at the 95 Owen Brown Street Service Facility.
Purpose & Explanation
To provide City Council and the Mayor with a status update on the subject.
Timing Considerations
Fiscal Impact
Currently Budgeted
Supplemental Appropriation Required
Appropriation Not Required.
Suggested Action
In a timely manner, the Public Works Department will continue to pursue the most cost effective methods to remove the debris at the 95 Owen Brown Street Service Facility.
Respectively Submitted,
Scott N. Schroyer, Asst. City Manager
Approved by: Anthony J. Bales, City Manager