Follow-up to 2021 Annual Road Tour
Brief Description: The City of Hudson Engineering Department held its informational road tour on May 22, 2021 which provided an on-site overview of the City’s asphalt street maintenance program to City Council Members, the Mayor, and staff. Discussion will review this year’s road tour and any follow up items needing further review.
Legislative History
Purpose & Explanation
The City of Hudson Engineering Department schedules an annual road tour to provide an on-site overview of the City’s asphalt street maintenance program to City Council Members, the Mayor, and staff. The road tour provides attendees an opportunity to view the conditions of the street network with visual examples of various asphalt pavement condition ratings, review of maintenance techniques, as well as a brief overview of other upcoming infrastructure projects.
Following the information tour, staff wanted to provide an opportunity to the Mayor and Council for any discussion on the City’s road programs.
Timing Considerations
Fiscal Impact
Currently Budgeted
Supplemental Appropriation Required
X Appropriation Not Required.
Suggested Action
Staff is looking for any feedback from Council on this informational tour.
Submitted by,
Jane Howington, City Manager
Thomas J. Sheridan, PE, PS, Assistant City Manager - Professional Services
Bradley S. Kosco, PE, PS, City Engineer