A Motion to Authorize Outdoor Seasonal Sales at Ace Hardware, 5824 Darrow Road.
Brief Description: Hudson Ace Hardware is seeking approval for its annual outdoor seasonal sales event.
Legislative History
This is an annual request of Hudson Ace Hardware.
Purpose & Explanation
Hudson Ace Hardware is seeking approval for its annual outdoor seasonal sales event from April 8th through June 8th, 2019. See attached letter and diagram.
The Land Development Code allows various temporary uses if approved by Council, including seasonal sales in District 7 - Outer Village Commercial Corridor, the zoning district of Ace Hardware as found at Section 1206.04(b)(2). The standards for this use are that: 1.) structures for such sales may be in the front yard, 2.) the term of the use may not exceed 60 days, and 3.) the structures incidental to the use must be removed after their use.
Timing Considerations
Hudson Ace Hardware annual outdoor seasonal sales event: April 8 - June 8, 2019.
Fiscal Impact
Currently Budgeted
Supplemental Appropriation Required
X Appropriation Not Required.
Suggested Action
Staff recommends Council approve a motion to authorize outdoor seasonal sales at Hudson Ace Hardware.
Submitted by,
Jane Howington, City Manager
Greg Hannan, Community Development Director