A Motion Directing the Clerk to Send Notice to the Ohio Division of Liquor Control Indicating No Request for a Hearing Regarding the Transfer of a Permit to Sell Alcoholic Beverages from E&M Partners, LLC (DBA Peachtree Southern Kitchen) to LG Square, Inc. (DBA Revival), 200 North Main Street, Hudson.
Brief Description: The Clerk is in receipt of the attached Notice to Legislative Authority dated August 21, 2023, from the Ohio Division of Liquor Control concerning the opportunity to request a hearing regarding this permit. The City must either respond to this Notice or request a one-time, 30-day extension no later than September 18, 2023.
Legislative History
Purpose & Explanation
A criminal history search of City records was performed using information provided in separate correspondence to the Hudson Police Department. No records were found.
The Notice to Legislative Authority is attached, and information regarding Permit Classes is available on the Ohio Division of Liquor Control’s website at <http://com.ohio.gov/liqr/PermitClasses.aspx>.
Timing Considerations
The Clerk of Council must respond to the Ohio Division of Liquor Control no later than September 18, 2023, concerning the City’s request for a hearing. If additional time is needed for Council’s review, the Clerk may request a one-time, 30-day deadline extension.
Fiscal Impact
Currently Budgeted
Supplemental Appropriation Required
X Appropriation Not Required.
Suggested Action
Staff recommends that, based solely on the criminal history search described above, no hearing should be requested at this time.
Submitted by,
Thomas J. Sheridan, City Manager
Perry Tabak, Police Chief
Sheryl Brooke, Office Manager, Police Department
Elizabeth Slagle, Acting Clerk of Council