Agricultural Use Regulations - Draft Land Development Code Amendment
Brief Description: Council discussion regarding possible Land Development Code amendments related to agricultural use regulations.
Legislative History
Purpose & Explanation
Council conducted a discussion regarding potential changes to Agricultural Use Regulations in the Land Development Code (LDC) in July of 2020, with staff presenting an overview of the current regulations. Additionally, agricultural uses were discussed during the April 27, 2021, workshop meeting when staff presented possible 2021 LDC changes. City Staff has reviewed these discussions, along with recent inquiries/correspondence from residents, peer city regulations, and American Planning Association policy studies to prepare the topics below.
City staff is requesting feedback regarding the below items (see attached memo for details). Based on the discussion staff will proceed to prepare a formal draft amendment for Council consideration. Staff anticipates preparing a draft amendment for first reading and PC referral in July allowing for PC review in August.
1. Fencing design for principal agricultural uses -Architectural Design Standards and Section 1203.02
2. Raised garden beds - Section 1201.07
3. Hoop Houses - Architectural Design Standards
4. Agricultural Use Setbacks - 1207.19(d) Special Requirements Respecting Agricultural Uses and 1207.04 Landscaping/Buffering
5. Farmer's Roadside Stands
6. Apiculture (beekeeping) - 1206.03 Accessory Uses/Structures
7. Backyard chickens - 1206.03 Accessory Uses/Structures
8. Use allowances - 1206.01 Table of Permitted and Conditional Uses by District
Timing Considerations
The preliminary timeline would be to prepare a draft amendment for first reading and PC referral in July, 2021, allowing for PC review in August.
Fiscal Impact
Currently Budgeted (Account #, $)
Supplemental Appropriation Required (Account #, $)
X Appropriation Not Required....
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