Proclamation: Special Recognition of Random Acts of Kindness Week.
Executive Summary: This Proclamation encourages citizens to perform acts of kindness, especially during February 9 to 15, 2015, as we celebrate Random Acts of Kindness Week. On behalf Hudson's Random Acts of Kindness Committee, Mrs. Martha Hills will be present to accept the Proclamation.
Legislative History
The Mayor of the City of Hudson has issued annual Proclamations since 2004 to acknowledge Random Acts of Kindness Week and the work of Hudson's Random Acts of Kindness Committee.
Purpose & Explanation
Random Acts of Kindness Week is increasingly celebrated around the world to encourage acts of kindness. Mrs. Martha Hills will accept this Proclamation on behalf of Hudson's Random Acts of Kindness Committee.
Timing Considerations
Random Acts of Kindness Week is celebrated February 9 - 15, 2015.
Fiscal Impact
Currently Budgeted
Supplemental Appropriation Required
X Appropriation Not Required.
Suggested Action
I urge all of our citizens to perform acts of kindness, not just this week, but 365 days a year.
Submitted by,
William A. Currin, Mayor