Presentation to City Council - Hudson at Build out
Executive Summary: City Council has asked the Economic Growth Board, through the Economic Development Department, to generate information on the fiscal impact to Hudson if all available sites were built out and all available office space were filled.
Legislative History
Purpose & Explanation
In Section 2.6.3 of City Council's current Strategic Plan it directs the Economic Development Department, through the assigning of this task to the Economic Growth Board, to develop data on existing available (unused) real property and analyze the potential revenue at final build out of all available land resources. At this workshop, information on District 6 will be presented. Work on District 8 continues.
Timing Considerations
Fiscal Impact
Currently Budgeted
Supplemental Appropriation Required
X Appropriation Not Required.
Suggested Action
Staff recommends: There is no recommendation at this time. This information is being presented for information only.
Submitted by,
Charles E. Wiedie EDFP
Economic Development Director