Senior Snowplow Program Proposal
Brief Description: At the request of Mayor Anzevino, City staff researched nearby municipal senior snowplow programs (Exhibit A) and assembled a proposal (Exhibit B) for City Council consideration with the purpose of providing senior citizens (65+) and disabled adults emergency snow removal services.
Legislative History
Purpose & Explanation
At the request of Mayor Anzevino, City staff researched nearby municipal senior snowplow programs (Exhibit A) and assembled a proposal (Exhibit B) for City Council consideration with the purpose of providing senior citizens (65+) and disabled adults emergency snow removal services.
Research revealed eligibility criteria was consistent amongst jurisdictions, but funding sources, program management and budget varied. The most efficiently managed programs included capped registration and a voucher system to ensure a budget was met and participants received timely services.
The attached proposal outlines eligibility to include residents 65+ up or permanently disabled adults without an abled-bodied individual living in the household. Verification may be determined by Summit County Fiscal Office Homestead Exemption records. Based on these records, up to a maximum of 787 Hudson households could be eligible to participate in the program (a cap would be established). It is important to note the requirements to receive a Homestead Exemption are consistent with guidance issued for the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) if the City were to later use these funds to support the program.
Eligible residents would be required to apply annually for program participation. Applications may be capped to adhere to a program budget.
Base services may include:
- Driveway clearing and salting - One pass through of the driveway (8'width x 150' length);
Optional services may include:
- Snow removal and salting of a handicapped accessibility ramp or personal sidewalk, if the garage ...
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