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File #: 16-0048    Version: 1 Name:
Type: Staff Report Status: Filed
File created: 5/6/2016 In control: City Council Workshop
On agenda: 5/10/2016 Final action: 5/10/2016
Title: 2016-2020 Five-Year Plan Financial Update of the General Fund Executive Summary: This will be a presentation and discussion of amendments made to the original Five Year Plan to incorporate recent changes to capital budgets and projects not included in the original plan.
Indexes: Finance - General
Attachments: 1. General Fund Five Year - May 2016 Update, 2. General Fund Five Year - Original, 3. Key Amendments/Assumptions for May 2016 Update
Related files: 15-188, 16-0111


2016-2020 Five-Year Plan Financial Update of the General Fund

Executive Summary:  This will be a presentation and discussion of amendments made to the original Five Year Plan to incorporate recent changes to capital budgets and projects not included in the original plan.


Legislative History

The 2016-2020 Five Year Plan was passed December 15, 2016.

Purpose & Explanation

Recently, there have been several changes to the City’s capital projects as well as other projects that have been added to the original plan.  Staff wanted the opportunity to update Council on the financial implications of these changes.

Attached to this memo is a copy of the original and amended Five Year Plan (General Fund only) along with highlights of the changes to the original Plan.

Timing Considerations

This discussion will be in conjunction with the First Quarter appropriations legislation.

Fiscal Impact

                       Currently Budgeted

X                       Supplemental Appropriation Required - separate First Quarter memo/legislation

                       Appropriation Not Required.



Suggested Action

Staff recommends City Council review the updated Plan and determine if they are still comfortable moving forward or if we need to make any amendments.

Submitted by,

Jane Howington, City Manager

Jeff Knoblauch, Finance Director