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File #: 23-0081    Version: 1 Name:
Type: Staff Report Status: Filed
File created: 9/1/2023 In control: City Council
On agenda: 9/5/2023 Final action: 9/5/2023
Title: City Manager Update on August 25th Storm Event Brief Description: The City Manager will provide City Council and the Mayor with a brief update on the storm cleanup from the August 25, 2023, storm event in Hudson.
Attachments: 1. First Energy Mutual Aid Agreement - 2008


City Manager Update on August 25th Storm Event

Brief Description: The City Manager will provide City Council and the Mayor with a brief update on the storm cleanup from the August 25, 2023, storm event in Hudson.


Legislative History


Purpose & Explanation

The City Manager will provide City Council and the Mayor with a brief update on the storm cleanup from the August 25, 2023, storm event in Hudson.


Attached for reference is a Mutual Aid Agreement with First Energy from 2008.



Suggested Action

Discussion requested.

Submitted by,

Thomas J. Sheridan, City Manager