Storm Water Update
Brief Description: The City Staff would like to provide an update on the Hudson storm water system, the capital projects completed to date, and future storm water projects. The City staff has been investigating alternative financing for storm water infrastructure projects, since the storm water utility does not typically have too many funding sources.
Legislative History
TMP-0247 - Storm Water Update; 11/27/2012
Purpose & Explanation
The attached presentation provides background on the three primary watersheds in the City, including Mud Brook, Brandywine Creek and Tinkers Creek. Capital project costs for previous projects and future projects in each watershed are included, along with information regarding on-going storm water system maintenance and required Ohio EPA storm water regulation requirements.
In the future, the staff will periodically update City Council on the status of the storm water program and provide any necessary updated information at the request of City Council.
The City Staff has also been investigating alternative financing options to assist with completing the list of storm water projects within the 5-year Capital Budget. In 2019, the City applied to the P3 Great Lakes Green Stormwater Infrastructure Challenge for several storm water projects identified in the Brandywine Creek Watershed Model. (See the attachment: Hudson Green EIB Letter of Interest Final.)
The City was chosen as one of the applications by the P3 Great Lakes team with an Environmental Impact Bond (EIB) for several projects located in the Brandywine Creek Watershed. This is a new type of bonding that has been recently used in Atlanta, Washington D.C., and Baltimore. In November 2019, the City administration had a kick-off meeting with Quantified Ventures to discuss the EIB process. (See the attached presentation labeled Hudson EIB Kickoff).
If City Council is interested in this bonding, the administration can arrange to have Quantifie...
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