2015 Budget Discussion
Executive Summary: This is the second presentation and discussion of the proposed 2015 budget.
Legislative History
The City is required to pass an ordinance approving appropriations prior to the beginning of the fiscal year.
Purpose & Explanation
The purpose of this meeting is to discuss the 2015 proposed budget. Draft budget books will be available to the public upon request. Hard copies of the budget book will be placed in City Council's mailbox before the end of the business day on Friday, November 7.
Timing Considerations
The 2015 budget needs to be passed by December 31, 2014.
Fiscal Impact
Currently Budgeted
X Supplemental Appropriation Required
Appropriation Not Required.
Suggested Action
Staff recommends Council continue its review of the proposed 2015 budget and provide additional direction, changes, etc. and ultimately approve the 2015 budget.
Submitted by,
Jane Howington, City Manager
Jeff Knoblauch, Finance Director