City of Hudson 2017-2021 Five-Year Plan Review
Executive Summary: Review of the City’s Five-Year Plan for 2017-2021 to include the following Public Works operating funds: Cemeteries, Parks, HCTV, Water, Electric, Golf and Fleet.
Legislative History
On an annual basis, the City adopts a Five-Year Plan “in concept”.
Purpose & Explanation
The purpose of the discussion is to review the City’s Five-Year Plan. The first year of the Plan is the basis for the annual budget.
We previously reviewed the General Fund, Service, Fire, EMS and Storm Water Funds.
Timing Considerations
This is the third of the four scheduled Five-Year Plan/Budget workshops.
Fiscal Impact
Currently Budgeted
Supplemental Appropriation Required
X Appropriation Not Required.
Suggested Action
Staff recommends Council review the Plan and discuss any changes.
Submitted by,
Jane Howington, City Manager
Jeff Knoblauch, Finance Director