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Meeting Name: City Council Agenda status: Final-revised
Meeting date/time: 1/9/2024 7:30 PM Minutes status: Final  
Meeting location: Town Hall 27 East Main Street
Regular Meeting to begin at 7:30 p.m., followed by Regular Workshop
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Accessible Agenda Accessible Agenda Published minutes: Minutes Minutes Accessible Minutes Accessible Minutes  
Meeting video:  
File #Ver.Agenda #NameTypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
24-0001 1A. MinutesMinutes of Previous Council Meetings Brief Description: Draft minutes of previous meetings are provided for City Council’s review and approval.approved as submitted  Action details Video Video
23-169 2A. ResolutionA RESOLUTION APPROVING THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF A COLLECTIVE BARGAINING AGREEMENT WITH THE UTILITY WORKERS UNION OF AMERICA, LOCAL 588 FOR THE YEARS 2024 THROUGH 2026 AND AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO ENTER INTO SAID AGREEMENT; AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. Brief Description: This legislation seeks approval of the terms and conditions of the collective bargaining agreement that was negotiated by the City Manager with the Utility Workers Union of America, Local 588 and authorization for the City Manager to enter into said agreement.second reading  Action details Video Video
23-169 2  ResolutionA RESOLUTION APPROVING THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF A COLLECTIVE BARGAINING AGREEMENT WITH THE UTILITY WORKERS UNION OF AMERICA, LOCAL 588 FOR THE YEARS 2024 THROUGH 2026 AND AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO ENTER INTO SAID AGREEMENT; AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. Brief Description: This legislation seeks approval of the terms and conditions of the collective bargaining agreement that was negotiated by the City Manager with the Utility Workers Union of America, Local 588 and authorization for the City Manager to enter into said suspend the rule requiring three readingsPass Action details Video Video
23-169 2  ResolutionA RESOLUTION APPROVING THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF A COLLECTIVE BARGAINING AGREEMENT WITH THE UTILITY WORKERS UNION OF AMERICA, LOCAL 588 FOR THE YEARS 2024 THROUGH 2026 AND AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO ENTER INTO SAID AGREEMENT; AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. Brief Description: This legislation seeks approval of the terms and conditions of the collective bargaining agreement that was negotiated by the City Manager with the Utility Workers Union of America, Local 588 and authorization for the City Manager to enter into said agreement.amendedPass Action details Video Video
23-169 2  ResolutionA RESOLUTION APPROVING THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF A COLLECTIVE BARGAINING AGREEMENT WITH THE UTILITY WORKERS UNION OF AMERICA, LOCAL 588 FOR THE YEARS 2024 THROUGH 2026 AND AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO ENTER INTO SAID AGREEMENT; AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. Brief Description: This legislation seeks approval of the terms and conditions of the collective bargaining agreement that was negotiated by the City Manager with the Utility Workers Union of America, Local 588 and authorization for the City Manager to enter into said agreement.amendedPass Action details Video Video
23-169 2  ResolutionA RESOLUTION APPROVING THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF A COLLECTIVE BARGAINING AGREEMENT WITH THE UTILITY WORKERS UNION OF AMERICA, LOCAL 588 FOR THE YEARS 2024 THROUGH 2026 AND AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO ENTER INTO SAID AGREEMENT; AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. Brief Description: This legislation seeks approval of the terms and conditions of the collective bargaining agreement that was negotiated by the City Manager with the Utility Workers Union of America, Local 588 and authorization for the City Manager to enter into said agreement.approved as amendedPass Action details Video Video
23-171 1B. OrdinanceAN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE CODIFIED ORDINANCES SECTION 222.01, PUBLICATION, REGARDING PUBLIC NOTICE OF PASSED LEGISLATION. Brief Description: With recent changes to the Ohio Revised Code concerning publication requirements for passed legislation, Council will consider similar changes to the Codified Ordinances, Section 222.01. Newspaper publications have been problematic, and staff desires a more reliable, timely, and less costly method to provide public notices.adopted on third readingPass Action details Video Video
24-0002 1A. Staff ReportA presentation and discussion of the new Ellsworth Meadows Golf Course Clubhouse design. Brief Description: The preliminary design and renditions of the new Ellsworth Meadows Golf Course Clubhouse have been completed, reviewed, and approved by both the Planning Commission and the Architectural & Historic Board of Review. Staff will present the design and renderings to the City Council and answer any questions regarding the design and the project.discussed  Action details Video Video
24-0003 1B. Staff ReportHines Hill Road and Valley View Road Sidewalk Project Brief Description: Based upon Council input from the January 9, 2024, Council Workshop, staff has proceeded with further evaluating the Hines Hill Road and Valley View Road sidewalk project alignments and budget. Staff will present updates on the design and next steps towards construction of new sidewalks on Hines Hill Road (between Valley View Road and Glastonbury Drive) and Valley View Road (between Hines Hill Road and Hunting Hollow Drive) and potential extension of additional sidewalk along Valley View Road from Hines Hill Road to Wethersfield Drive.discussed  Action details Video Video
24-0004 1C. Staff ReportCity’s Clinton Street Parking Lot Entrance/Exit Realignment to Improve Safety and Access to Heinen's Grocery Store Brief Description: City staff will discuss the proposed driveway realignment to the City parking lot adjacent to the entrance of the Heinen’s Grocery Store on Clinton Street.discussed  Action details Video Video
23-0125 2D. Staff ReportDiscussion of Summit County Intergovernmental Memorandum of Understanding for Job Creation and Retention and Tax Revenue Sharing Brief Description: Discussion of Summit County Intergovernmental Memorandum of Understanding for Job Creation and Retention and Tax Revenue Sharingdiscussed  Action details Video Video
24-0006 1A. MotionA Motion to Acknowledge the Timely Receipt of the December 2023 Monthly Financial Report Brief Description: Financial summaries are provided each month for Council’s review.forwarded   Action details Video Video
24-3 1B. ResolutionA RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO ENTER INTO A TWO-YEAR CONTRACT FOR CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT AND INSPECTION SERVICES WITH QUALITY CONTROL INSPECTION, INC. Brief Description: The City of Hudson Engineering Department currently performs public inspections with our staff and the City also contracts with a private construction management and inspection services on various capital improvement projects and for private developments as they arise within the City, on an as needed basis.item forwarded  Action details Video Video
24-4 1C. ResolutionA RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO ADVERTISE FOR COMPETITIVE BIDS AND TO ENTER INTO A CONTRACT FOR THE W. STREETSBORO STREET STORM IMPROVEMENT PROJECT. Brief Description: The W. Streetsboro Street Storm Improvement Project will involve the enclosure of a deep ditch on the south side of W. Streetsboro Street from W. Case Drive to Westhaven Drive.item forwarded  Action details Video Video
24-5 1D. OrdinanceAN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 410.01, SCHEDULE I, “EXISTING POSTED SPEED LIMITS,” OF THE TRAFFIC CODE TO LOWER THE SPEED LIMIT FROM 45 MILES PER HOUR TO 35 MILES PER HOUR ON VALLEY VIEW ROAD BETWEEN SR 91 AND NORTH CORPORATION LIMIT; AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. Brief Description: After a recent discussion with the Ohio Department of Transportation, it has been determined that the speed limit along Valley View Road from the northerly corporation line to Darrow Road (SR 91) should be lowered from 45 mph to 35 mph.item forwarded  Action details Video Video
24-6 1E. ResolutionA RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO SUBMIT AN APPLICATION FOR THE PUBLIC WORKS AND ECONOMIC ADJUSTMENT ASSISTANCE PROGRAM THROUGH THE U.S. ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT ADMINISTRATION FOR THE NICHOLSON DRIVE WATER TRANSMISSION LINE PROJECT; AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. Brief Description: The City of Hudson continues to seek funding sources for the Nicholson Water Transmission Line Project for the betterment of the Hudson Water System in Summit County, Ohio.item forwarded  Action details Video Video
24-7 1F. ResolutionA RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO SUBMIT AN APPLICATION TO THE OHIO DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT FOR A WATER AND WASTEWATER INFRASTRUCTURE GRANT FOR THE NICHOLSON DRIVE WATER TRANSMISSION PROJECT; AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. Brief Description: The City of Hudson is continuing to apply for State and Federal funding for the Nicholson Waterline Transmission Project to improve and reinforce the Hudson Water System within Summit County, Ohio.item forwarded  Action details Video Video
24-8 2G. ResolutionA RESOLUTION APPROVING THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF A COLLECTIVE BARGAINING AGREEMENT WITH TEAMSTERS LOCAL UNION NO. 436 FOR THE YEARS 2024 THROUGH 2026 AND AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO ENTER INTO SAID AGREEMENT, AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. Brief Description: This legislation seeks approval of the terms and conditions of the collective bargaining agreement that was negotiated by the City Manager with the Teamsters Local Union No. 436 and authorization for the City Manager to enter into said agreement.item forwarded  Action details Video Video
TMP-7007 1A. OrdinanceAN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 1064 ENTITLED “COMMUNITY ROOMS” OF THE CODIFIED ORDINANCES TO INCLUDE RENTAL FEE EXEMPTIONS Brief Description: This code amendment would make the Hudson troop organizations of the Boy Scouts of America and the Girl Scouts of the United States of America, exempt from rental fees associated with the scheduled use of the City Hall Community rooms and the Barlow Community Center Community rooms.removed from consideration by Council  Action details Video Video
24-9 1B. OrdinanceAN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 848 ENTITLED “REFUSE HAULERS” OF THE CODIFIED ORDINANCES TO INCLUDE ADDITIONAL QUARTERLY REPORTS REQUIREMENTS Brief Description: This amendment would add an additional requirement to quarterly reports submitted to the Public Works Department by licensed residential trash haulers operating within the city.item forwarded  Action details Video Video
24-10 1C. ResolutionA RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO ADVERTISE FOR COMPETITIVE BIDS AND TO ENTER INTO A CONTRACT FOR THE ELLSWORTH MEADOWS GOLF COURSE CLUBHOUSE PROJECT Brief Description: The Ellsworth Meadows Golf Course Clubhouse Project will involve the construction of a new clubhouse replacing the aging existing clubhouse.item forwarded  Action details Video Video