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Meeting Name: City Council Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 9/15/2015 7:30 PM Minutes status: Final  
Meeting location: Town Hall
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Minutes Minutes  
Meeting video:  
File #Ver.Agenda #NameTypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
15-0099 1A. MinutesMINUTES OF PREVIOUS COUNCIL MEETINGS. Executive Summary: Draft minutes of previous meetings are provided for City Council’s review and approval.approved as submitted  Action details Video Video
15-0100 1A. ProclamationProclamation: Special Recognition of Constitution Week 2015 Executive Summary: Mayor Currin will proclaim the week of September 17 - 23, 2015 as “Constitution Week” in Hudson, in recognition of this important document. Karen Wentz will be in attendance to accept this Proclamation on behalf of the David Hudson Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR).   Action details Video Video
15-0101 1B. ProclamationProclamation: Special Recognition of the City of Hudson as a Gigabit City. Executive Summary: Mayor Currin will proclaim the City of Hudson as a “Gigabit City” and proclaim the month of October 2015 as “Gigabit City Month” in Hudson, recognizing Hudson as the first Gigabit City in Northeast, Ohio. Jane Howington will be in attendance to accept this Proclamation on behalf of the community and staff.   Action details Video Video
15-0102 1A. MotionA MOTION TO ACKNOWLEDGE THE TIMELY RECEIPT OF THE AUGUST 2015 MONTHLY FINANCIAL REPORT. Executive Summary: Financial summaries are provided each month for Council’s review.approved on the consent agendaPass Action details Not available
15-0103 1B. MotionA MOTION DIRECTING THE CLERK TO SEND NOTICE TO THE OHIO DIVISION OF LIQUOR CONTROL INDICATING NO REQUEST FOR A HEARING REGARDING A NEW PERMIT TO SELL ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES FOR HUDSON VARSITY CLUB, LLC, 11 ATTERBURY BOULEVARD, SUITE 1, HUDSON, OHIO. Executive Summary: The Clerk is in receipt of a Notice to Legislative Authority dated September 2, 2015 from the Ohio Division of Liquor Control concerning the opportunity to request a hearing regarding this permit.approved on the consent agendaPass Action details Video Video
15-137 1C. ResolutionA RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING AN AGREEMENT WITH EMERGENCY COMMUNICATIONS NETWORK, LLC; AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. Executive Summary: The request is to renew and upgrade the City’s emergency communications services, which includes our Reverse 9-1-1 calling and text messages service.approved on the consent agendaPass Action details Video Video
15-138 1D. ResolutionA RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING AN AMENDMENT TO THE CITY MANAGER’S EMPLOYMENT AGREEMENT; AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. Executive Summary: City Council will take action pertaining to City Manager Jane Howington’s Employment Agreement.approved on the consent agendaPass Action details Video Video
15-139 1E. ResolutionA RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO ENTER INTO A CONTRACT FOR THE SALE AND PURCHASE OF REAL PROPERTY RIGHTS WITH FIFTH THIRD BANK FOR THE STATE ROUTE 91/NORTON ROAD PROJECT FOR RIGHT-OF-WAY PURPOSES; AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. Executive Summary: This project will be bid in the summer of 2016. The acquisition is necessary due to the right turn lanes and widening associated with SR 91 and Norton Road Intersection Improvement Project. This acquisition has no adverse effect on the overall function or operation of the residual property.approved on the consent agendaPass Action details Video Video
15-140 1F. ResolutionA RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO ENTER INTO A CONTRACT FOR THE SALE AND PURCHASE OF REAL PROPERTY WITH MARTHA L. ENGLEHART, AS TRUSTEE, FOR THE STATE ROUTE 91 / NORTON ROAD PROJECT FOR RIGHT-OF-WAY PURPOSES; AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. Executive Summary: This project will be bid in the summer of 2016. The acquisition is necessary due to the right turn lanes and widening associated with SR 91 and Norton Road Intersection Improvement Project. This acquisition has no adverse effect on the overall function or operation of the residual property.approved on the consent agendaPass Action details Video Video
15-33 2A. OrdinanceAN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 1205, “ZONING DISTRICTS” AND CHAPTER 1207, “ZONING DEVELOPMENT AND SITE PLAN STANDARDS,” OF THE LAND DEVELOPMENT CODE TO PROVIDE FOR FUNDS-IN-LIEU OF THE CONSTRUCTION OF PUBLIC SIDEWALKS AND OTHER PEDESTRIAN AND NON-VEHICULAR CIRCULATION SYSTEMS. Executive Summary: This legislation would create a Pedestrian Linkages Fund as recommended by the Connect Hudson Plan that came out of the Safe Routes Hudson initiative.third reading  Action details Video Video
15-33 2  OrdinanceAN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 1205, “ZONING DISTRICTS” AND CHAPTER 1207, “ZONING DEVELOPMENT AND SITE PLAN STANDARDS,” OF THE LAND DEVELOPMENT CODE TO PROVIDE FOR FUNDS-IN-LIEU OF THE CONSTRUCTION OF PUBLIC SIDEWALKS AND OTHER PEDESTRIAN AND NON-VEHICULAR CIRCULATION SYSTEMS. Executive Summary: This legislation would create a Pedestrian Linkages Fund as recommended by the Connect Hudson Plan that came out of the Safe Routes Hudson initiative.amendedPass Action details Video Video
15-33 2  OrdinanceAN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 1205, “ZONING DISTRICTS” AND CHAPTER 1207, “ZONING DEVELOPMENT AND SITE PLAN STANDARDS,” OF THE LAND DEVELOPMENT CODE TO PROVIDE FOR FUNDS-IN-LIEU OF THE CONSTRUCTION OF PUBLIC SIDEWALKS AND OTHER PEDESTRIAN AND NON-VEHICULAR CIRCULATION SYSTEMS. Executive Summary: This legislation would create a Pedestrian Linkages Fund as recommended by the Connect Hudson Plan that came out of the Safe Routes Hudson initiative.approved as amendedPass Action details Video Video
15-61 2B. OrdinanceAN ORDINANCE AMENDING APPENDIX D, "ARCHITECTURAL AND DESIGN STANDARDS", OF THE LAND DEVELOPMENT CODE AT SECTION III-2b. Executive Summary: The amendment would generally permit the use of modern or so-called substitute materials on historic structures when repair is not feasible.third reading  Action details Video Video
15-123 2C. ResolutionA RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE THE 2015-2016 “SUMMIT COUNTY INTERGOVERNMENTAL MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING FOR JOB CREATION AND RETENTION AND TAX REVENUE SHARING.” Executive Summary: The current version of this agreement expired on June 30, 2015. Communities have met twice to consider an amendment proposed by the City of Hudson. This change is reflected in the red-line version of the agreement which is attached. The new proposed agreement is being circulated to signatory communities by the County, and they are asking for adoption by September 30, 2015.third reading  Action details Video Video
15-123 2  ResolutionA RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE THE 2015-2016 “SUMMIT COUNTY INTERGOVERNMENTAL MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING FOR JOB CREATION AND RETENTION AND TAX REVENUE SHARING.” Executive Summary: The current version of this agreement expired on June 30, 2015. Communities have met twice to consider an amendment proposed by the City of Hudson. This change is reflected in the red-line version of the agreement which is attached. The new proposed agreement is being circulated to signatory communities by the County, and they are asking for adoption by September 30, 2015.adopted on third readingPass Action details Video Video
15-141 1D. ResolutionA RESOLUTION SUBMITTING TO THE ELECTORS OF THE CITY THE QUESTION OF THE RENEWAL AND INCREASE BY 0.6 MILL OF AN EXISTING 2.3-MILL TAX LEVY FOR THE PURPOSE OF SUPPORTING THE FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY OF THE HUDSON LIBRARY AND HISTORICAL SOCIETY; AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. Executive Summary: This is the second of two pieces of legislation that Council is being requested to pass on behalf of the Library to allow their operating levy to be put on the March 15, 2016 ballot.first reading  Action details Video Video