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Meeting Name: City Council Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 2/19/2014 7:30 PM Minutes status: Final  
Meeting location: Town Hall
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Minutes Minutes  
Meeting video:  
File #Ver.Agenda #NameTypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
14-0009 1A. MinutesMINUTES OF PREVIOUS COUNCIL MEETINGS. Executive Summary: Draft minutes of previous meetings are provided for City Council’s review and approval.approved  Action details Video Video
14-21 1A. ResolutionA RESOLUTION APPROVING THE APPLICATION FOR PLACEMENT OF LAND IN A CURRENT AGRICULTURAL USE DISTRICT FOR PURPOSES OF O.R.C. 929.02 FOR JOSEPH H. STRIBRNY, 5578 SHAWNEE TRAIL HUDSON, OHIO. Executive Summary: Mr. Joseph Stribrny has submitted a renewal Application for Placement of Farmland in an Agricultural District for property located at 5578 Shawnee Trail in Hudson.public hearing held  Action details Video Video
14-0008 1A. MotionA MOTION TO ACKNOWLEDGE THE TIMELY RECEIPT OF THE JANUARY 2014 MONTHLY FINANCIAL REPORT. Executive Summary: Financial summaries are provided each month for Council’s review.approvedPass Action details Video Video
14-22 1B. ResolutionA RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE CITY MANAGER TO ADVERTISE FOR COMPETITIVE BIDS FOR THE HUDSON DRIVE RESURFACING PROJECT (PID 92674) IN THE CITY OF HUDSON, OHIO; AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. Executive Summary: The project will involve asphalt planning; full depth repairs; intermediate asphalt course; surface course; loop detectors; handicap ramps and pavement striping along Hudson Drive from Terex Road to Seasons/Norton Road. The project does not include widening of the berm areas.adopted with rule suspensionPass Action details Video Video
14-23 1C. ResolutionA RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE CITY MANAGER TO ADVERTISE FOR COMPETITIVE BIDS FOR THE RAVENNA STREET RESURFACING PROJECT (PID 92677) IN THE CITY OF HUDSON, OHIO; AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. Executive Summary: The project will involve asphalt planning; full depth repairs, intermediate asphalt course; surface course; loop detectors and pavement striping along Ravenna Street from Stow Road to Stone Road.adopted with rule suspensionPass Action details Video Video
14-24 1D. ResolutionA RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE CITY MANAGER TO ADVERTISE FOR COMPETITIVE BIDS FOR THE DIVISION STREET SANITARY SEWER AND WATERLINE IMPROVEMENT PROJECT; AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. Executive Summary: This project will involve the repair, replacement, extension, and lining of the sanitary sewer mainline and laterals within the right-of-way, replacement of the existing water main and service lines within the right-of-way, the necessary storm sewer improvements and roadway repairs. The project limits are from College Street to N. Oviatt Street.adopted with rule suspensionPass Action details Video Video
14-25 1E. ResolutionA RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE CITY MANAGER TO ADVERTISE FOR COMPETITIVE BIDS FOR THE LABOR AND MATERIALS NECESSARY FOR THE 2014 SANITARY SEWER LINING PROJECT; AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. Executive Summary: This project involves the lining of sanitary sewers along Hartford Drive, West Streetsboro Street, Sunset Drive, Clairhaven Road, Aurora Road and the trunk sewer under the Norfolk Southern Railroad Tracks off of Morse Road.adopted with rule suspensionPass Action details Video Video
14-26 1F. ResolutionA RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE CITY MANAGER TO ADVERTISE FOR COMPETITIVE BIDS FOR THE 2014 MANHOLE REHABILITATION PROGRAM; AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. Executive Summary: This project consists of the repair and rehabilitation of 26 sanitary sewer manholes within the City. Locations include manholes on Boston Mills Road, S. Main Street, Cohasset Drive, Williamsburg Circle and the sanitary sewer trunk line north of the Turnpike.adopted with rule suspensionPass Action details Video Video
14-27 1G. ResolutionA RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO FILE AN APPLICATION FOR FUNDING FROM THE 2014 SAFE ROUTES TO SCHOOL PROGRAM; TO ENTER INTO AN AGREEMENT THEREFOR; AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. Executive Summary: The School Travel Plan has been approved by ODOT making the City of Hudson and Hudson School District eligible to apply for both infrastructure projects and non-infrastructure programs listed with the School Travel Plan.adopted with rule suspensionPass Action details Video Video
14-28 1H. ResolutionA RESOLUTION TO APPROVE THEN AND NOW CERTIFICATES FOR PURCHASES; AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. Executive Summary: Council authorization is required for payment of the invoice(s) shown on this Resolution in excess of $3,000 for which a commitment was made before a Purchase Order was generated.adopted with rule suspensionPass Action details Video Video
14-29 2I. ResolutionA RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO PURCHASE EQUIPMENT FROM MOTOROLA THROUGH THE HOMELAND SECURITY RADIO GRANT PROGRAM; AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. Executive Summary: This resolution clarifies that the City Council authorizes the City Manager to enter into a contract with Motorola Solutions for the 800 MHz radio equipment and warranties, separate from the installation costs with B&C Communications.adopted with rule suspensionPass Action details Video Video
14-11 1A. ResolutionA RESOLUTION OF SUPPORT AND PARTICIPATION IN THE BRANDYWINE CREEK WATERSHED BALANCED GROWTH PLAN. Executive Summary: Hudson is one of several watershed communities that must formally support the plan in order for it to receive state approval. State approval will allow Hudson to seek benefits and incentives that would not be available without an approved plan.adopted on third readingPass Action details Video Video
14-12 1B. ResolutionA RESOLUTION ADOPTING IN CONCEPT THE CONNECTIVITY PLAN. Executive Summary: City staff suggests that City Council adopt in concept the Connectivity Plan map and the supporting documents as presented. Doing so will allow City Council and staff to track subsequent updates to the Connectivity Plan.amendedPass Action details Video Video
14-12 1  ResolutionA RESOLUTION ADOPTING IN CONCEPT THE CONNECTIVITY PLAN. Executive Summary: City staff suggests that City Council adopt in concept the Connectivity Plan map and the supporting documents as presented. Doing so will allow City Council and staff to track subsequent updates to the Connectivity Plan.approved as amendedPass Action details Video Video
14-21 1C. ResolutionA RESOLUTION APPROVING THE APPLICATION FOR PLACEMENT OF LAND IN A CURRENT AGRICULTURAL USE DISTRICT FOR PURPOSES OF O.R.C. 929.02 FOR JOSEPH H. STRIBRNY, 5578 SHAWNEE TRAIL HUDSON, OHIO. Executive Summary: Mr. Joseph Stribrny has submitted a renewal Application for Placement of Farmland in an Agricultural District for property located at 5578 Shawnee Trail in Hudson.first reading  Action details Video Video