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Meeting Name: City Council Agenda status: Final-revised
Meeting date/time: 1/19/2016 7:15 PM Minutes status: Final  
Meeting location: Town Hall
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Minutes Minutes  
Meeting video:  
File #Ver.Agenda #NameTypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
16-0004 1A. MinutesMINUTES OF PREVIOUS COUNCIL MEETINGS. Executive Summary: Draft minutes of previous meetings are provided for City Council’s review and approval.approved as submitted  Action details Not available
16-0005 1A. PresentationPresentation: Capital Improvement Projects and N. Main Street / Downtown Corridor Improvements Project Executive Summary: Thomas Sheridan, City Engineer, will present an overview of upcoming Capital Improvement Projects, including details on the North Main Street / Downtown Corridor Improvements Project, for which he will review the improvements to be made, along with construction sequencing and public impacts of the construction.presented  Action details Video Video
16-0006 1A. MotionA MOTION TO ACKNOWLEDGE THE TIMELY RECEIPT OF THE DECEMBER 2015 MONTHLY FINANCIAL REPORT. Executive Summary: Financial summaries are provided each month for Council’s review.approved on the consent agendaPass Action details Video Video
16-3 1B. ResolutionA RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO ENTER INTO A JOB CREATION GRANT AGREEMENT WITH DIMENSION ENGINEERING, INC., AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. Executive Summary: Dimension Engineering, a manufacturer of electronic circuit boards, is considering Hudson as a potential location to consolidate their two current locations, one from Akron and one from Ashtabula. The company is also considering Solon for this consolidation. Approval of this Job Creation Grant will place Hudson in a favorable light for attracting this company.approved on the consent agendaPass Action details Video Video
16-4 1C. ResolutionA RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE CITY MANAGER TO ADVERTISE FOR BIDS FOR THE NORTH MAIN STREET - DOWNTOWN CORRIDOR IMPROVEMENTS SUM-91-14.67 PROJECT (ODOT PID 93820) AND THE PROCUREMENT OF SIGNAL POLES IN THE CITY OF HUDSON, OHIO; AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. Executive Summary: This project consists of the reconstruction of the N. Main Street (SR 91) from Streetsboro Street (SR 303) to Owen Brown Street. The project also includes the replacement of the waterline, pervious pavers, stamped colored concrete walks, lighting, retaining wall, a new traffic signal at N. Main Street and Clinton/Aurora Streets, street trees, storm sewer work and other streetscape improvements.approved on the consent agendaPass Action details Video Video
16-6 1E. ResolutionA RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING AN AGREEMENT WITH GPS INSIGHT FOR GLOBAL POSITIONING SYSTEM VEHICLE FLEET MONITORING SERVICES. Executive Summary: The City has been utilizing global positioning system equipment (GPS) and monitoring services provided by GPS Insight, Inc. to monitor and manage City vehicles and equipment. Currently GPS technology is being utilized in the management of the City’s fleet inventory in the divisions of Service, Hudson Public Power, Public Properties, Cemeteries, and Parks. The service is renewed on an annual basis and requires City Council approval.approved on the consent agendaPass Action details Video Video
16-7 1F. ResolutionA RESOLUTION AFFIRMING THE CITY MANAGER’S SUBMISSION OF AN APPLICATION FOR AN ASSISTANCE TO FIREFIGHTERS GRANT ON BEHALF OF HUDSON EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES. Executive Summary: Pursuant to the Department of Homeland Security Appropriations Act, the Federal Emergency Management Agency administers the Assistance to Firefighters Grant to enhance safety of the public and safety force personnel by providing funding for needed resources.approved on the consent agendaPass Action details Video Video
16-9 1H. ResolutionA RESOLUTION DESIGNATING REPUBLIC SERVICES AS THE CITY’S PREFERRED TRASH AND RECYCLING VENDOR AND AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO ENTER INTO A SERVICE CONTRACT WITH REPUBLIC SERVICES. Executive Summary: Per Council direction at the January 12, 2016, Council Workshop staff is asking for the passage of a resolution recognizing Republic Services as the City’s designated trash and recycling service contractor and authorization for the City Manager to enter into a contract for said services.approved on the consent agendaPass Action details Video Video
16-10 1I. ResolutionA RESOLUTION IN SUPPORT OF THE BRANDYWINE CREEK RESTORATION AND GREENWAY PLAN; AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. Executive Summary: The Clean Ohio Conservation Fund, through the Ohio Public Works Commission, provides funding for projects that protect and enhance streams, rivers and lakes. Application for grant funding requires a resolution supporting the project.approved on the consent agendaPass Action details Video Video
16-5 1D. ResolutionA RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO ENTER INTO A PURCHASE AGREEMENT FOR THREE SNOW PLOW TRUCKS (CABS AND CHASSIS) AND AN AGREEMENT FOR THE PURCHASE AND INSTALLATION OF SNOW/ICE REMOVAL EQUIPMENT THEREFOR; AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. Executive Summary: Per the approved 2016 fleet capital replacement budget the Public Works Department has obtained competitive pricing for the purchase of three (3) replacement snow plow truck cab and chassis . The replacement cab and chassis will be purchased from Valley Freightliner Trucks of Cleveland. Each replacement unit will need to be out fitted with snow plow and dump bed equipment. As such, the associated equipment will be purchased and installed by Henderson Truck suspend the rule requiring three readingsPass Action details Video Video
16-5 1D. ResolutionA RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO ENTER INTO A PURCHASE AGREEMENT FOR THREE SNOW PLOW TRUCKS (CABS AND CHASSIS) AND AN AGREEMENT FOR THE PURCHASE AND INSTALLATION OF SNOW/ICE REMOVAL EQUIPMENT THEREFOR; AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. Executive Summary: Per the approved 2016 fleet capital replacement budget the Public Works Department has obtained competitive pricing for the purchase of three (3) replacement snow plow truck cab and chassis . The replacement cab and chassis will be purchased from Valley Freightliner Trucks of Cleveland. Each replacement unit will need to be out fitted with snow plow and dump bed equipment. As such, the associated equipment will be purchased and installed by Henderson Truck Equipment-Ohio.adopted with rule suspensionPass Action details Video Video
16-8 1G. ResolutionA RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO ENTER INTO A LICENSE AGREEMENT WITH TIME WARNER CABLE. Executive Summary: Time Warner Cable Company is requesting to install conduit on the City of Hudson Parking Terrace to Dr. White’s offices adjacent to the parking terrace. The License Agreement would allow the conduit/fiber and set forth terms specifying its location and other suspend the rule requiring three readingsPass Action details Video Video
16-8 1G. ResolutionA RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO ENTER INTO A LICENSE AGREEMENT WITH TIME WARNER CABLE. Executive Summary: Time Warner Cable Company is requesting to install conduit on the City of Hudson Parking Terrace to Dr. White’s offices adjacent to the parking terrace. The License Agreement would allow the conduit/fiber and set forth terms specifying its location and other matters.adopted with rule suspensionPass Action details Video Video
15-72 1A. OrdinanceAN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTIONS 1042.03 AND 1042.04 OF THE STREETS, UTILITIES AND PUBLIC SERVICES CODE REVISING SEWER RATES FOR THE MUNICIPALITY. Executive Summary: This ordinance will amend the City’s sewer rates.withdrawn from further considerationPass Action details Video Video
15-124 3B. OrdinanceAN ORDINANCE ADOPTING THE 2015 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN. Executive Summary: The ordinance would adopt the City’s update to the Comprehensive Plan.adopted on third readingPass Action details Video Video