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Meeting Name: City Council Workshop Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 3/12/2013 7:35 PM Minutes status: Final  
Meeting location: Town Hall
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Minutes Minutes  
Meeting video:  
File #Ver.Agenda #NameTypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
13-38 1B. ResolutionA RESOLUTION AMENDING RESOLUTION NO. 11-118 TO AUTHORIZE ADDITIONAL FUNDS FOR AN EXISTING CONTRACT WITH JANCO SERVICE INDUSTRIES FOR HOUSEKEEPING/CLEANING SERVICES AT CITY-OWNED FACILITIES. Executive Summary: In November 2011 Resolution No. 11-118 authorized the City Manager to enter in a two (2) year service contract extension with Janco Service Industries for the cleaning/housekeeping of City owned buildings. The Resolution read that the extension would be for a two (2) year period at a not to exceed amount of $79,331. Resolution No. 11-118 should have read that the contract extension would be for a two (2) year period at a total contract value of $158,662item forwarded   Action details Not available
13-39 1C. ResolutionA RESOLUTION TO CONSENT TO THE OHIO DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION MOWING GRASS WITHIN THE INTERSTATE 480 RIGHT OF WAY WITHIN THE CITY OF HUDSON LIMITS; AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. Executive Summary: The Ohio Department of Transportation requires local consent legislation allowing its maintenance department to perform periodic grass cutting and right of way (ROW) maintenance work within the corporate limits of any municipality that the interstate transects.item forwarded   Action details Not available
13-40 1D. ResolutionA RESOLUTION AMENDING RESOLUTION NO. 11-119 TO AUTHORIZE ADDITIONAL FUNDS FOR AN EXISTING CONTRACT WITH TRUGREEN, INC. FOR LANDSCAPING MAINTENANCE SERVICES FOR THE CITY’S PUBLIC GREENS AND PUBLIC BUILDING AREAS. Executive Summary: In November 2011 Resolution No. 11-119 authorized the City Manager to enter into a two (2) year contract extension with TruGreen Inc. for landscape maintenance services for the City’s public greens and public buildings. The Resolution reads that the extension is for a two (2) year period at a not to exceed amount of $31,951. Resolution No. 11-119 should have read that the contract extension would be for a two (2) year period at a not to exceed amount of $31,971 for a total contract value of $63,942.item forwarded   Action details Not available
13-41 1E. ResolutionA RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS TO FILE AN APPLICATION WITH THE SUMMIT/AKRON SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT AUTHORITY FOR A COMMUNITY RECYCLING ACCESS GRANT; AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. Executive Summary: Each year the City of Hudson applies for a recycling grant from Summit / Akron Solid Waste Management Authority (SASWMA). As a condition of application, the SASWMA requires a Council Resolution permitting the application to be processed.item forwarded   Action details Not available
13-43 1F. ResolutionA RESOLUTION DESIGNATING DEPOSITORIES OF PUBLIC MONEYS OF THE CITY. Executive Summary: Ohio Revised Code 135.12 requires that City Council authorize depositories of City funds every five years.item forwarded   Action details Not available
TMP-0332 1A. Staff Report2013-2017 Hudson Strategic Plan - Draft Action Plan Review Executive Summary: At the 2/26/13 City Council Workshop, City Council Members reviewed and discussed Goal 1 topics of the draft Strategic Plan Action Plan and asked that staff bring the draft Action Plan back to City Council for further discussion on Goals 2 & 3.Discussed  Action details Not available
TMP-0350 1B. Staff ReportDiscussion: Content and Format of Department Presentations. Executive Summary: With additional department presentations scheduled throughout the next few months, the City Manager would like to receive feedback from City Council members on the presentation format to find out if the focus and content of the department presentations are on target, or if adjustments need to be made.Discussed  Action details Not available
TMP-0333 1C. Staff ReportDiscussion: Review of Unfunded Capital Improvement Projects. Executive Summary: In December 2012 during a Special City Council Workshop to discuss the proposed 2013 Budget as related to the 5-Year Capital Improvement Projects, City Council members asked staff to provide them with an opportunity to review/discuss the unfunded Capital Improvement Projects at a future City Council Workshop.Discussed  Action details Not available
TMP-0334 1D. Staff ReportDiscussion: House Bill 5 - Municipal Income Tax Uniformity Executive Summary: HB 5 includes many changes to make municipal income tax more uniform. Currently, municipalities have the ability to establish certain rules and regulations that vary from jurisdiction to jurisdiction. This can create difficulties for an individual or business that files taxes in multiple cities.Discussed  Action details Not available