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Meeting Name: City Council Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 7/19/2022 7:00 PM Minutes status: Final  
Meeting location: Town Hall 27 East Main Street
Early start for Executive Session at 7:00 p.m.; Regular Council meeting to start at 7:30 p.m.
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Minutes Minutes  
Meeting video:  
File #Ver.Agenda #NameTypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
22-0066 1A. MinutesMinutes of Previous Council Meetings Brief Description: Draft minutes of previous meetings are provided for City Council’s review and approval.approved as submitted  Action details Video Video
22-0064 2B. Staff ReportComprehensive Plan Update - Steering Committee Brief Description: Discussion regarding the selection process for the resident steering committee to update the Comprehensive Plan.   Action details Video Video
22-0067 1A. MotionA Motion to Acknowledge the Timely Receipt of the June 2022 Monthly Financial Report Brief Description: Financial summaries are provided each month for Council’s review.approved on the consent agenda  Action details Video Video
22-85 1B. OrdinanceAN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 21-125, MAKING APPROPRIATIONS FOR THE CURRENT EXPENSES AND OTHER EXPENDITURES OF THE CITY OF HUDSON DURING THE FISCAL YEAR ENDING DECEMBER 31, 2022 BY MAKING ADDITIONAL AND/OR AMENDED APPROPRIATIONS RELATED TO THE SECOND QUARTER OF 2022. Brief Description: This Ordinance will amend the 2022 budget for additional and/or amended appropriations as listed in the attached Exhibit A.approved on the consent agenda  Action details Video Video
22-86 1C. ResolutionA RESOLUTION TO APPROVE THEN AND NOW CERTIFICATES FOR PURCHASES MADE; AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. Brief Description: Council authorization is required for payment of the invoices shown on this Resolution in excess of $3,000, for which a commitment was made before a Purchase Order was generated.approved on the consent agenda  Action details Video Video
22-87 2D. ResolutionA RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO AMEND THE PURCHASE AGREEMENT FOR A PREFABRICATED PUBLIC RESTROOM STRUCTURE FOR THE BARLOW FARM PARK TENNIS AND PICKLEBALL COURTS IMPROVEMENT PROJECT; AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. Brief Description: Staff is seeking permission to amend the purchase agreement for a prefabricated concrete public restroom structure from CXT Concrete Buildings as part of the Barlow Farm Park Tennis and Pickleball Courts Improvement Project in the amount of $9,050.00. Staff is able to purchase the unit utilizing the Sourcewell Cooperative Purchasing Program at a lessor cost than having the contractor provide it.approved on the consent agenda  Action details Video Video
22-88 1E. ResolutionA RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO HAVE A PRIVATE ART STUDIO INSTALL ON THE CITY GREENS A BIRDSONG ART INSTALLATION IN 2023; AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. Brief Description: A discussion about a 1-year long art installation that features approximately 100 artist created plastic 12”x 6” birds that would be hung in trees on the downtown Greens for a year-long art walk to help generate foot traffic to the downtown.approved on the consent agenda  Action details Video Video
22-79 1A. OrdinanceAN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTIONS 220.03, 220.031, AND 220.06 OF THE CODIFIED ORDINANCES TO ADD PROVISIONS GOVERNING THE INTRODUCTION OF ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS ON REGULAR AND SPECIAL CITY COUNCIL AGENDAS. Brief Description: The ordinance intends to clarify the process of the introduction of ordinances and resolutions that are placed on a regular or special City Council meeting agenda.third reading  Action details Not available
22-79 1  OrdinanceAN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTIONS 220.03, 220.031, AND 220.06 OF THE CODIFIED ORDINANCES TO ADD PROVISIONS GOVERNING THE INTRODUCTION OF ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS ON REGULAR AND SPECIAL CITY COUNCIL AGENDAS. Brief Description: The ordinance intends to clarify the process of the introduction of ordinances and resolutions that are placed on a regular or special City Council meeting agenda.amendedFail Action details Not available
22-79 1  OrdinanceAN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTIONS 220.03, 220.031, AND 220.06 OF THE CODIFIED ORDINANCES TO ADD PROVISIONS GOVERNING THE INTRODUCTION OF ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS ON REGULAR AND SPECIAL CITY COUNCIL AGENDAS. Brief Description: The ordinance intends to clarify the process of the introduction of ordinances and resolutions that are placed on a regular or special City Council meeting agenda.amendedFail Action details Not available
22-79 1  OrdinanceAN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTIONS 220.03, 220.031, AND 220.06 OF THE CODIFIED ORDINANCES TO ADD PROVISIONS GOVERNING THE INTRODUCTION OF ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS ON REGULAR AND SPECIAL CITY COUNCIL AGENDAS. Brief Description: The ordinance intends to clarify the process of the introduction of ordinances and resolutions that are placed on a regular or special City Council meeting agenda.amendedFail Action details Not available
22-79 1  OrdinanceAN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTIONS 220.03, 220.031, AND 220.06 OF THE CODIFIED ORDINANCES TO ADD PROVISIONS GOVERNING THE INTRODUCTION OF ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS ON REGULAR AND SPECIAL CITY COUNCIL AGENDAS. Brief Description: The ordinance intends to clarify the process of the introduction of ordinances and resolutions that are placed on a regular or special City Council meeting agenda.postponed to a date certainFail Action details Not available
22-79 1  OrdinanceAN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTIONS 220.03, 220.031, AND 220.06 OF THE CODIFIED ORDINANCES TO ADD PROVISIONS GOVERNING THE INTRODUCTION OF ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS ON REGULAR AND SPECIAL CITY COUNCIL AGENDAS. Brief Description: The ordinance intends to clarify the process of the introduction of ordinances and resolutions that are placed on a regular or special City Council meeting agenda.amendedPass Action details Not available
22-79 1  OrdinanceAN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTIONS 220.03, 220.031, AND 220.06 OF THE CODIFIED ORDINANCES TO ADD PROVISIONS GOVERNING THE INTRODUCTION OF ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS ON REGULAR AND SPECIAL CITY COUNCIL AGENDAS. Brief Description: The ordinance intends to clarify the process of the introduction of ordinances and resolutions that are placed on a regular or special City Council meeting agenda.approved as amendedPass Action details Not available
22-80 1B. ResolutionA RESOLUTION AMENDING THE STORM WATER WORK POLICY IN ITS ENTIRETY; AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. Brief Description: An Ad Hoc Storm Water Committee which included both City Council members and City staff were appointed to review and update the current Storm Water Policy.adopted on third readingPass Action details Video Video
22-81 1C. OrdinanceAN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 660.22, “OBSTRUCTING SEWERS AND WATERCOURSES”, OF THE GENERAL OFFENSES CODE AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. Brief Description: This ordinance amendment would update the City’s General Offenses Code at Section 660.22, “Obstructing Sewers and Watercourses” to better protect private property owners and public infrastructure from flooding and diversion of storm water caused by adjacent property owners.adopted on third readingPass Action details Video Video
22-82 1D. ResolutionA RESOLUTION REPEALING RESOLUTION NO. 21-149 AND WITHDRAWING THE AUTHORIZATION GRANTED TO THE CITY MANAGER TO ENTER INTO A PURCHASE AND SALE AGREEMENT WITH FAIRMOUNT PROPERTIES, LLC FOR THE SALE OF THE REAL PROPERTY LOCATED IN THE DOWNTOWN AREA ADJACENT TO THE FIRST & MAIN DEVELOPMENT IN THE CITY OF HUDSON; AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. Brief Description: City Council and the City administration have considered and discussed the sale of the Property, the terms thereof, and certain development proposals for the Property submitted by Fairmount and determined that it is not appropriate to move forward with the consummation of the sale of the Property to Fairmount and the development thereof as currently proposed by Fairmount.adopted on third readingPass Action details Video Video