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Meeting Name: City Council Workshop Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 4/26/2022 7:30 PM Minutes status: Final  
Meeting location: Town Hall 27 East Main Street
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Minutes Minutes  
Meeting video:  
File #Ver.Agenda #NameTypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
21-0107 2A. Staff ReportA discussion with City Council regarding the request by the Margaret Clark Morgan Foundation, Dba Peg’s Foundation, for the City of Hudson to complete various public improvements at the northwest Village Green. Brief Description: The Margaret Clark Morgan Foundation (Peg’s Foundation) is advancing the Park Lane Square development including the restoration of the historic Baldwin-Buss-Merino House and new construction of Peg’s Foundation offices and gallery. To support the new public spaces, Peg’s Foundation has requested the city consider improvements to the abutting Village Green. Council initially discussed this concept on December 14, 2021.discussed  Action details Video Video
22-0042 1B. Staff Report2023 Comprehensive Plan Steering Committee and Consultant Request for Proposal Brief Description: Discussion regarding the 2023 Comprehensive Plan Steering Committee and Consultant Request for Proposaldiscussed  Action details Video Video
22-0045 1A. MotionA Motion Directing the Clerk to Send Notice to the Ohio Division of Liquor Control Indicating a Request for a Hearing Regarding the Transfer of a Permit to Sell Alcoholic Beverages from Square Inch USA LLC, DBA Hudson Petroleum, 27 S. Main St., Hudson, to Ozer Petroleum, DBA Ozer Petroleum, 27 S. Main St., Hudson. Brief Description: The Clerk is in receipt of a Notice to Legislative Authority dated April 7, 2022, from the Ohio Division of Liquor Control concerning the opportunity to request a hearing regarding this permit. The City’s response must be postmarked no later than May 9, 2022.item forwarded  Action details Video Video
22-9 2B. ResolutionA RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO SUBMIT THE PARKS TENNIS & PICKLEBALL COURTS PROJECT PLAN TO THE HUDSON PLANNING COMMISSION FOR REPORT AND RECOMMENDATION PURSUANT TO CHARTER SECTION 9.02; AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. Brief Description: The City Tennis & Pickleball Court Complex Project includes the construction of park features and amenities for public access Tennis & Pickleball courts. Per the City Charter, Section 9.02 - Planning Commission - Powers and Duties, the construction of parks or playgrounds shall be submitted to the Planning Commission for report and recommendation.item forwarded  Action details Video Video
22-58 1C. ResolutionA RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO ENTER INTO A CONTRACT WITH MR. EXCAVATOR INC. FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE BARLOW FARM PARK TENNIS AND PICKLEBALL COURTS IMPROVEMENT PROJECT; AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. Brief Description: Staff had received and evaluated bids submitted for the construction of the Parks Tennis & Pickleball complex to be located at the Barlow Farm Park. City Council, staff, and Park Board members discussed the bids and costs of the project at the April 26, 2022 Workshop. Upon conclusion of the discussions, Council directed staff to proceed with legislation to award a construction contract for the base bid, and all but one alternate item (8B). Staff has adjusted the project costs accordingly and seeks authorization to enter into a construction contract.item forwarded  Action details Video Video
22-59 1D. ResolutionA RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO ENTER INTO A PURCHASE AGREEMENT FOR A PREFABRICATED PUBLIC RESTROOM STRUCTURE FOR THE BARLOW FARM PARK TENNIS AND PICKLEBALL COURTS IMPROVEMENT PROJECT; AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. Brief Description: Staff is seeking permission to purchase a prefabricated concrete public restroom structure from CXT Concrete Buildings as part of the Barlow Farm Park Tennis and Pickleball Courts Improvement Project. Staff is able to purchase the unit utilizing the Sourcewell Cooperative Purchasing Program at a lessor cost than having the contractor provide it.item forwarded  Action details Video Video
22-62 1E. ResolutionA RESOLUTION ACCEPTING THE RECOMMENDATIONS OF THE TAX INCENTIVE REVIEW COUNCIL TO CONTINUE COMMUNITY REINVESTMENT AREA AGREEMENTS AND A JOB CREATION GRANT PROGRAM AGREEMENT WITH THE CITY OF HUDSON, COUNTY OF SUMMIT. Brief Description: The City has established a Tax Incentive Review Council (TIRC) to periodically review each existing Community Reinvestment Area (CRA) and Job Creation Grant Agreement for compliance and to make recommendations to continue, modify or terminate each of the agreements. The duly appointed TIRC met on April 6, 2022, reviewed each CRA and Job Creation Grant Agreement and made certain recommendations to City Council.item forwarded  Action details Video Video
22-60 1F. ResolutionA RESOLUTION TO APPROVE A THEN AND NOW CERTIFICATE FOR A PURCHASE MADE; AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. Brief Description: Council authorization is required for payment of the invoice shown on this Resolution in excess of $3,000, for which a commitment was made before a Purchase Order was generated.item forwarded  Action details Video Video
22-61 1G. ResolutionA RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE INTERIM CITY MANAGER TO ENTER INTO A PROFESSIONAL SERVICE CONTRACT WITH CT CONSULTANTS, INC. FOR A WATER RATE AND SYSTEM EXPANSION STUDY, AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. Brief Description: The objective of this study is to have a comprehensive water rate structure that blends two separate current water rates into one single rate and allows the city to cover future operating, maintenance and capital costs. This study will also analyze potential expansion of the current water system into areas within the city that are utilizing wells and have limited or no fire hydrant protection. City staff is requesting an emergency clause be added in order to complete the study in accordance with the schedule included in the proposal.item forwarded  Action details Video Video
22-24 1A. OrdinanceAN ORDINANCE ENACTED PURSUANT TO SECTION 3.01 OF THE CITY CHARTER AMENDING THE WARD BOUNDARIES OF THE CITY IN RESPONSE TO RECEIPT OF THE UNITED STATES CENSUS DATA IN 2020. Brief Description: The city administration proposes new ward boundaries to equalize the population among the four (4) ward boundaries as required in Section 3.01 of the City Charter, based on the new 2020 U.S. Census data and the population changes to the City Council Wards.item forwarded  Action details Video Video
22-46 1B. ResolutionA RESOLUTION APPROVING THE APPLICATION FOR PLACEMENT OF LAND IN A CURRENT AGRICULTURAL USE DISTRICT FOR PURPOSES OF O.R.C. SECTION 929.02 FOR DOUGLAS & STEPHEN J. HASBROUCK, TRUSTEES, 6403 STOW ROAD, HUDSON, OHIO. Brief Description: Mr. Douglas and Mr. Stephen Hasbrouck have submitted the attached renewal Application for Placement of Farmland in an Agricultural District for 114.81 acres of property located at 6403 Stow Road in Hudson.item forwarded  Action details Video Video
22-47 1C. ResolutionA RESOLUTION APPROVING THE APPLICATION FOR PLACEMENT OF LAND IN A CURRENT AGRICULTURAL USE DISTRICT FOR PURPOSES OF O.R.C. SECTION 929.02 FOR LOUIS AND DEBORAH ESTERGALL, 3074 RAVENNA STREET, HUDSON, OHIO. Brief Description: Mr. and Mrs. Estergall have submitted the attached renewal Application for Placement of Farmland in an Agricultural District for approximately 32 acres of property located at 3074 Ravenna Street in Hudson.item forwarded  Action details Video Video
22-48 1D. OrdinanceAN ORDINANCE REPEALING, IN ITS ENTIRETY, CHAPTER 226, “CAMPAIGN FINANCE REFORM”, OF THE CITY OF HUDSON CODIFIED ORDINANCES. Brief Description: Councilwoman Kowalski has requested Council members consider the need to repeal, in its entirety, Chapter 226, “Campaign Finance Reform”, of the Codified Ordinances.item forwarded  Action details Video Video
22-57 1E. OrdinanceAN ORDINANCE AMENDING PART TWELVE OF THE CODIFIED ORDINANCES OF HUDSON TO AMEND SECTION 1205.02 “OFFICIAL ZONING MAP”, TO REZONE CERTAIN LANDS ON SOUTH OVIATT STREET (SUMMIT COUNTY TAX PARCEL 3204067 AND APPROXIMATELY 0.5 ACRES OF TAX PARCEL 3200225) FROM DISTRICT 5 - VILLAGE CORE TO DISTRICT 3 - OUTER VILLAGE RESIDENTIAL NEIGHBORHOOD. Brief Description: Land Development Code text amendment request to rezone parcel 3204067 and approximately 0.5 acres of parcel #3200225 from District 5 Village Core to District 3 Outer Village Residential Neighborhood. Application is associated Planning Commission recommendation for the associated private party map amendment request per ORD 22-42.item forwarded  Action details Video Video
22-63 1F. ResolutionA RESOLUTION TO CREATE A STEERING COMMITTEE TO UPDATE THE CITY’S COMPREHENSIVE PLAN; AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. Brief Description: The proposed ordinance will establish a resident steering committee to guide the collective work of city staff and the consultant for the 2023 Comprehensive Plan update and provide recommendation to City Council regarding the adoption of the draft plan.item forwarded  Action details Video Video
22-64 1G. ResolutionA RESOLUTION EXPRESSING OPPOSITION TO INTRODUCED OHIO H.B. 616, WHICH WOULD LIMIT HOW TEACHERS EDUCATE K-12 STUDENTS ABOUT SEXUAL ORIENTATION AND GENDER IDENTITY, HOW TEACHERS EDUCATE K-12 STUDENTS ABOUT RACISM AND REAFFIRMING THE CITY OF HUDSON’S SUPPORT FOR THE LGBT+ AND RACIAL MINORITY COMMUNITIES; AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. Brief Description: Councilwomen Kowalski and Schlademan have requested this Resolution, in opposition to H.B. 616, a bill that has been introduced in the Ohio General Assembly, which would limit how teachers educate K-12 students about sexual orientation and gender identity, and how teachers educate our K-12 students about racism.item forwarded  Action details Video Video