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Meeting Name: City Council Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 7/9/2024 7:30 PM Minutes status: Final  
Meeting location: Town Hall 27 East Main Street
Regular Meeting to begin at 7:30 p.m., followed by Regular Workshop
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Accessible Agenda Accessible Agenda Published minutes: Minutes Minutes Accessible Minutes Accessible Minutes  
Meeting video:  
File #Ver.Agenda #NameTypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
24-0065 1A. MinutesMinutes of Previous Council Meetings Brief Description: Draft minutes of previous meetings are provided for City Council’s review and approval.approved as submittedPass Action details Video Video
24-77 1A. ResolutionA RESOLUTION TO CONSENT TO THE OHIO DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION (“ODOT”) FOR THE REPLACEMENT OF SIGNS ALONG SR 303 WITHIN THE CITY OF HUDSON (PID 109473); AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. Brief Description: The Ohio Department of Transportation requires local consent legislation allowing them to perform work within City corporation limits. The work will include replacement of signs along SR 303 within City limits.approved on the consent agenda  Action details Video Video
24-78 2B. ResolutionA RESOLUTION REPEALING RESOLUTION NO. 24-38 AND AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO ENTER INTO A LEASE AGREEMENT WITH THE NAVIGATORS D/B/A NAVIGATOR MEN OF THE WORD BIBLE STUDY FOR SPACE AT CITY HALL. Brief Description: The Men of the Word Bible Study group would like to secure a space in City suspend the rule requiring three readingsPass Action details Video Video
24-78 2  ResolutionA RESOLUTION REPEALING RESOLUTION NO. 24-38 AND AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO ENTER INTO A LEASE AGREEMENT WITH THE NAVIGATORS D/B/A NAVIGATOR MEN OF THE WORD BIBLE STUDY FOR SPACE AT CITY HALL. Brief Description: The Men of the Word Bible Study group would like to secure a space in City Hall.adopted with rule suspensionPass Action details Video Video
24-79 1C. ResolutionA RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO ENTER INTO A SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT WITH JANE HOWINGTON; AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. Brief Description: This legislation authorizes the City Manager to sign a settlement agreement with Jane Howington, the former City Manager, resolving all disputes between her and the city and deleting the prior non-disparagement and confidentiality clauses from the prior separation suspend the rule requiring three readingsPass Action details Video Video
24-79 1  ResolutionA RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO ENTER INTO A SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT WITH JANE HOWINGTON; AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. Brief Description: This legislation authorizes the City Manager to sign a settlement agreement with Jane Howington, the former City Manager, resolving all disputes between her and the city and deleting the prior non-disparagement and confidentiality clauses from the prior separation agreement.adopted with rule suspensionPass Action details Video Video
24-69 1A. ResolutionA RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO ENTER INTO A COST REIMBURSEMENT AGREEMENT WITH THE SUMMIT COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENTAL DISABILITIES (DODD) FOR PURCHASING PLAYGROUND EQUIPMENT FOR AN INCLUSIVE PLAYGROUND AT MIDDLETON PARK. Brief Description: The Hudson Inclusive Playground Group (HIP) approached the Park Board and City Council in regard to constructing an all-inclusive playground in 2023. The HIP and the Park Board were to seek outside funding to aid in the expense of the project regarding the playground and the infrastructure for the playground. The HIP submitted an application to the Summit DODD and HIP has been awarded $430,000.00 by the DODD in early 2024. The DODD has asked that the city purchase the playground equipment, since HIP is not a governmental agency, and the DODD will reimburse the City of Hudson per the agreement up to $430,000 for the purchase. The equipment will be owned and maintained by the City of Hudson and can be used at any existing parks playgrounds, in case the inclusive playground is not constructed.adopted on third readingPass Action details Video Video
24-70 1B. OrdinanceAN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 296 OF THE CODIFIED ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF HUDSON, ESTABLISHING THE QUALIFICATIONS AND PROCEDURES FOR THE APPOINTMENT TO, MEMBERSHIP AND SERVICE ON CITY BOARDS AND COMMISSIONS. Brief Description: This ordinance is intended to establish uniform qualifications for the appointment to and ongoing service upon all City boards and commissions.amendedPass Action details Video Video
24-70 1  OrdinanceAN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 296 OF THE CODIFIED ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF HUDSON, ESTABLISHING THE QUALIFICATIONS AND PROCEDURES FOR THE APPOINTMENT TO, MEMBERSHIP AND SERVICE ON CITY BOARDS AND COMMISSIONS. Brief Description: This ordinance is intended to establish uniform qualifications for the appointment to and ongoing service upon all City boards and commissions.approved as amendedPass Action details Video Video
24-71 1C. OrdinanceAN ORDINANCE ADOPTING NEW POLICIES REGARDING THE PURCHASE, SALE, OR LEASE OF CITY OWNED OR CONTROLLED REAL ESTATE AND CREATING CHAPTER 214 AND AMENDING SECTIONS 206.02(b) AND 220.05(b)(2) OF THE CODIFIED ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF HUDSON. Brief Description: This ordinance is intended to establish a new process for the purchase, lease, and/or sale of City-owned land.adopted on third readingPass Action details Video Video
24-72 1D. ResolutionA RESOLUTION OF HUDSON ADOPTING THE 2024 SUMMIT COUNTY HAZARD MITIGATION PLAN. Brief Description: The Summit County Emergency Management Agency is responsible for adopting a revised mitigation plan every five years. The thirty-one communities in Summit County worked on a revised Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan over the past year, which included the City of Hudson. The Plan provides a guide for decisionmakers to help reduce risks from natural hazards and serves as a basis for the State of Ohio to provide technical and funding assistance. The mitigation plan is a stakeholder-driven document that describes risks and vulnerabilities, and long-term strategies and implementation approaches for reducing loss of life and property from natural disasters. Mitigation plans are vital to breaking the cycle of disaster damage, reconstruction, and repeated damage.adopted on third readingPass Action details Video Video
24-80 1A. ResolutionA RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO ENTER INTO A PROFESSIONAL SERVICES CONTRACT WITH BRANDSTETTER CARROLL INC. FOR THE DESIGN OF THE PUBLIC WORKS & HUDSON PUBLIC POWER FACILITY AND SITE DESIGN PROJECT; AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. Brief Description: This project involves the design and professional services for the new Public Works and Hudson Public Power Facility, including but not limited to: Site design, structural, mechanicals, traffic, surveying, civil engineering, interior, environmental, sound/audio, wetland, fire suppression, landscaping, and architecture design. The consultant will also review solar, geothermal, bio retention swales, brush facilities, electric charging stations and other environmental opportunities prior to the 30% design completion.discussed  Action details Video Video
24-0068 1A. MotionA Motion to Acknowledge the Timely Receipt of the June 2024 Monthly Financial Report Brief Description: Financial summaries are provided each month for Council’s review.forwarded   Action details Video Video
24-80 1B. ResolutionA RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO ENTER INTO A PROFESSIONAL SERVICES CONTRACT WITH BRANDSTETTER CARROLL INC. FOR THE DESIGN OF THE PUBLIC WORKS & HUDSON PUBLIC POWER FACILITY AND SITE DESIGN PROJECT; AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. Brief Description: This project involves the design and professional services for the new Public Works and Hudson Public Power Facility, including but not limited to: Site design, structural, mechanicals, traffic, surveying, civil engineering, interior, environmental, sound/audio, wetland, fire suppression, landscaping, and architecture design. The consultant will also review solar, geothermal, bio retention swales, brush facilities, electric charging stations and other environmental opportunities prior to the 30% design completion.item forwarded  Action details Video Video
24-81 1C. OrdinanceAN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 23-134, MAKING APPROPRIATIONS FOR THE CURRENT EXPENSES AND OTHER EXPENDITURES OF THE CITY OF HUDSON DURING THE FISCAL YEAR ENDING DECEMBER 31, 2024 BY MAKING ADDITIONAL AND/OR AMENDED APPROPRIATIONS. Brief Description: This Ordinance will amend the 2024 budget for additional and/or amended appropriations as listed in the attached Exhibit A.item forwarded  Action details Video Video
24-82 1D. ResolutionA RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO APPLY FOR AND, IF AWARDED, ENTER INTO AN AGREEMENT WITH THE OHIO RAIL DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION FOR THE HINES HILL ROAD GRADE SEPARATION PROJECT THROUGH THE OHIO GRADE CROSSING ELIMINATION PROGRAM. Brief Description: The City is partnering with the Ohio Rail Development Commission (ORDC) for a grant application to the Federal Railroad Administration (FRA) Grade Crossing Elimination Program. If awarded, the ORDC will contribute $8,580,000 towards the total estimated project of $14,300,000.item forwarded  Action details Video Video
24-83 1E. ResolutionA RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO ENTER INTO A CONTRACT WITH LAKE FOREST COUNTRY CLUB FOR THE SALE AND PURCHASE OF REAL PROPERTY FOR THE BOSTON MILLS ROAD TRAIL PROJECT. Brief Description: Due to the future installation of the new trail along Boston Mills Road, permanent right-of-way acquisition is required for the project. The property to be acquired is adjacent to the Summit County Bridge, west of Lake Forest Drive, currently owned by Lake Forest Country Club.item forwarded  Action details Video Video
24-84 1F. ResolutionA RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO ADVERTISE FOR BIDS AND TO ENTER INTO A CONTRACT FOR THE RESIDENTIAL DRIVEWAY PLOWING PROGRAM; AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. Brief Description: This project involves a residential driveway plowing program for eligible residents during the 2024/2025 snow season.item forwarded  Action details Video Video
24-85 1G. ResolutionA RESOLUTION ACCEPTING THE DONATION OF FOUR BASEBALL SCORE BOARDS AT BARLOW FARM PARK FROM THE KIWANIS CLUB OF HUDSON AND EXPRESSING APPRECIATION THEREFOR; AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. Brief Description: Hudson Kiwanis Baseball has been facilitating baseball for Hudson youth for 47 years. The Kiwanis Club of Hudson has been instrumental with the league and the park facilities. The Kiwanis Club of Hudson wishes to supply four scoreboards, materials and installation to be located at Barlow Farm Park under the supervision of the Parks Department.item forwarded  Action details Video Video
24-86 1A. OrdinanceAN ORDINANCE PERMITTING FUNDS-IN-LIEU OF SIDEWALKS CITYWIDE AND REAFFIRMING THE CITY'S COMMITMENT TO NON-VEHICULAR CONNECTIVITY IN THE CITY OF HUDSON. Brief Description: The Council of the City of Hudson seeks to clarify conflicting variance precedents granted by the Board of Zoning & Building Appeals.item forwarded  Action details Video Video