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Meeting Name: City Council Agenda status: Final-revised
Meeting date/time: 12/15/2020 6:30 PM Minutes status: Final  
Meeting location: Via Video-Conference & Live-Stream
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Minutes Minutes  
Meeting video:  
File #Ver.Agenda #NameTypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
20-0156 1A. MinutesMinutes of Previous Council Meetings Brief Description: Draft minutes of previous meetings are provided for City Council’s review and approval.approved as submitted  Action details Not available
20-0157 1A. Staff ReportPolice Department Update Brief Description: As requested by City Council, Chief Tabak will discuss hybrid vehicle performance and vehicle graphics.presented  Action details Video Video
20-0158 1A. Staff ReportSmall Business Relief Program Brief Description: Council members will consider COVID-19 relief options for local small businesses.discussed  Action details Video Video
20-0155 1A. MotionA Motion to Acknowledge the Timely Receipt of the November 2020 Monthly Financial Report Brief Description: Financial summaries are provided each month for Council’s review.approved on the consent agendaPass Action details Video Video
20-161 1B. OrdinanceAN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 19-153, MAKING APPROPRIATIONS FOR THE CURRENT EXPENSES AND OTHER EXPENDITURES OF THE CITY OF HUDSON DURING THE FISCAL YEAR ENDING DECEMBER 31, 2020 BY MAKING ADDITIONAL AND/OR AMENDED APPROPRIATIONS RELATED TO THE FOURTH QUARTER OF 2020. Brief Description: This Ordinance will amend the 2020 budget for additional and/or amended appropriations as listed in the attached Exhibit A.approved on the consent agendaPass Action details Video Video
20-162 1C. ResolutionA RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER, DURING THE YEAR 2021, TO ADVERTISE FOR BIDS OR TO UTILIZE THE VARIOUS CHARTER-AUTHORIZED GOVERNMENTAL COMPETITIVE PURCHASING PROGRAMS AND ENTER INTO CONTRACTS FOR CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS, SUPPLIES, SERVICES, EQUIPMENT, AND VEHICLES. Brief Description: This Resolution would authorize the advertisement, receipt of bids and award of contracts for capital items, services, equipment, and materials and supplies for Public Works operations as included in the 2021 Annual Budget.approved on the consent agendaPass Action details Video Video
20-163 1D. ResolutionA RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO PURCHASE EQUIPMENT, MATERIALS, SUPPLIES AND SERVICES FOR THE CITY’S PUBLIC UTILITY AND VELOCITY BROADBAND SERVICES OPERATIONS ON AN AS-NEEDED BASIS DURING THE YEAR 2021. Brief Description: This annual resolution requests permission allowing the Public Works Department to make purchases of equipment, materials, supplies and services in the operational area of the municipal utilities and Velocity Broadband service operation that will exceed $25,000 based on the 2021 approved budget.approved on the consent agendaPass Action details Video Video
20-164 1E. ResolutionA RESOLUTION AFFIRMING THE APPLICATION SUBMITTED BY THE CITY MANAGER’S DESIGNEE TO THE FEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY FOR AN ASSISTANCE TO FIREFIGHTERS COVID-19 SUPPLEMENTAL GRANT. Brief Description: The Federal Emergency Management Agency is awarding Assistance to Firefighters Covid-19 Supplemental funding for the purpose of providing assistance to fire and emergency medical services for the purchase of Covid-related personal protective equipment and supplies. The City could receive $12,034.60 in grant funding for the purchase of Covid-19 related personal protective equipment and supplies to create a stockpile for future response. A $1,203.46 match is required.approved on the consent agendaPass Action details Video Video
20-165 1F. ResolutionA RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO SUBMIT THE STATE ROUTE 91 SOUTH SAFETY IMPROVEMENT PROJECT (PID 106445) PLAN TO THE HUDSON PLANNING COMMISSION FOR REPORT AND RECOMMENDATION PURSUANT TO CHARTER SECTION 9.02. Brief Description: The SR 91 South Safety Improvement Project design limits are on SR 91 (S. Main Street) from Barlow Road to the Stoney Hill Drive intersection. The project includes widening of the roadway for bike lanes and new center turn lane. Per the City Charter, Section 9.02 - Planning Commission - Powers and Duties, the street widening project shall be submitted to the Planning Commission for report and recommendation.approved on the consent agendaPass Action details Video Video
20-166 1G. ResolutionA RESOLUTION TO APPROVE THEN AND NOW CERTIFICATES FOR PURCHASES MADE; AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. Brief Description: Council authorization is required for payment of the invoices shown on this Resolution, each in excess of $3,000, for which commitments were made before Purchase Orders were generated.approved on the consent agendaPass Action details Video Video
20-145 1A. OrdinanceAN ORDINANCE PLACING A MORATORIUM ON THE OPERATION OF ANY SHORT TERM RESIDENTIAL REAL ESTATE RENTALS IN THE CITY OF HUDSON; AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. Brief Description: This Ordinance establishes a 180-day temporary moratorium prohibiting the operation of short term (less than 30 days) residential real estate rentals (“STRs”) within the City of Hudson. The period of the moratorium will permit the City to conduct community outreach, study, formulate, and draft regulations with respect to STRs.postponed to a date certainPass Action details Video Video
20-152 1B. ResolutionA RESOLUTION SUBMITTING TO THE ELECTORS OF THE CITY THE QUESTION OF THE RENEWAL OF AN EXISTING 2.9-MILL TAX LEVY FOR THE PURPOSE OF SUPPORTING THE FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY OF THE HUDSON LIBRARY AND HISTORICAL SOCIETY; AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. Brief Description: This is the second of two pieces of legislation that Council is being requested to pass on behalf of the Library to allow their operating levy to be put on the May 4, 2021 ballot.third reading  Action details Video Video
20-152 1  ResolutionA RESOLUTION SUBMITTING TO THE ELECTORS OF THE CITY THE QUESTION OF THE RENEWAL OF AN EXISTING 2.9-MILL TAX LEVY FOR THE PURPOSE OF SUPPORTING THE FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY OF THE HUDSON LIBRARY AND HISTORICAL SOCIETY; AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. Brief Description: This is the second of two pieces of legislation that Council is being requested to pass on behalf of the Library to allow their operating levy to be put on the May 4, 2021 ballot.adopted on third readingPass Action details Video Video
20-160 1C. OrdinanceAN ORDINANCE ENACTING A NEW CHAPTER 876, “SHORT-TERM RENTAL OPERATIONS,” OF THE BUSINESS REGULATION CODE; AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. (As Revised 2-2-2021) Brief Description: A permit program has been drafted for the regulation of short-term rentals within the City of Hudson.second reading  Action details Video Video
20-160 1  OrdinanceAN ORDINANCE ENACTING A NEW CHAPTER 876, “SHORT-TERM RENTAL OPERATIONS,” OF THE BUSINESS REGULATION CODE; AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. (As Revised 2-2-2021) Brief Description: A permit program has been drafted for the regulation of short-term rentals within the City of Hudson.postponed to a date certainPass Action details Video Video
20-167 1D. OrdinanceAN ORDINANCE AMENDING PART TWELVE OF THE CODIFIED ORDINANCES OF HUDSON TO: (1) AMEND THE OFFICIAL ZONING DISTRICT MAP TO REZONE CERTAIN LANDS ON HUDSON DRIVE (SUMMIT COUNTY TAX PARCELS 3001315 AND 3001316) FROM DISTRICT 8, INDUSTRIAL/BUSINESS PARK, TO HIKE BIKE (HB) SENIOR HOUSING OVERLAY ZONING DISTRICT 8 AND (2) AMEND SECTION 1205.11(f)(1), “PURPOSE OF OVERLAY ZONE”, TO ACCOMMODATE THE ABOVE ZONING DISTRICT MAP AMENDMENT. Brief Description: Consideration of proposed (1) Zoning Map Amendment to revise parcels 3001315 and 3001316 from the current District 8 Industrial/Business Park to the proposed Hike Bike (HB) Senior Housing Overlay Zoning District 8; and (2) a Land Development Code Text Amendment to amend the purpose statement of Section 1205.11(f) the Hike Bike (HB) Senior Housing Overlay Zoning District 8.first reading  Action details Video Video
20-168 1E. ResolutionA RESOLUTION APPROVING THE CONTINUED OPERATION OF A DESIGNATED OUTDOOR REFRESHMENT AREA FOR THE CONSUMPTION OF ALCOHOL IN SPECIFIED PUBLIC AREAS OF DOWNTOWN HUDSON AND AMENDING THE HOURS OF OPERATION THEREFOR; AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. Brief Description: Authorization to renew the Designated Outdoor Refreshment Area (DORA) within Downtown Hudson and expanding the hours of operation.first reading  Action details Video Video