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Meeting Name: City Council Agenda status: Final-revised
Meeting date/time: 6/19/2018 6:30 PM Minutes status: Final  
Meeting location: Town Hall
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Minutes Minutes  
Meeting video:  
File #Ver.Agenda #NameTypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
18-0059 1A. MinutesMinutes of Previous Council Meetings Executive Summary: Draft minutes of previous meetings are provided for City Council’s review and approval.approved as submitted  Action details Video Video
18-83 1A. Honorary ResolutionA RESOLUTION THANKING DANIEL SZOCH FOR HIS SERVICE TO THE HUDSON COMMUNITY. Executive Summary: This Resolution provides recognition and thanks to Daniel Szoch for his dedicated service as a member of the Tree Commission.adoptedPass Action details Video Video
18-0060 1A. Staff ReportConceptual Layout of New City Administration Building Executive Summary: Staff and Brandstetter Carroll, Inc., the architect, will be present to review the conceptual layout of the new city administration building.   Action details Video Video
18-0061 1A. MotionA Motion to Acknowledge the Timely Receipt of the May 2018 Monthly Financial Report Executive Summary: Financial summaries are provided each month for Council’s review.approvedPass Action details Video Video
18-84 1B. ResolutionA RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO ENTER INTO AN AGREEMENT WITH THE CITY OF STOW FOR COOPERATION AND COST SHARING FOR THE RESURFACING OF A PORTION OF NORTON ROAD; AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. Executive Summary: This project is for the resurfacing of Norton Road from the new bike trailhead (Easterly limit) to the Hudson Drive intersection (Westerly limit). The segment of roadway is approximately 2,700 feet.first reading  Action details Video Video
18-85 1C. ResolutionA RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO ENTER INTO AN ADDENDUM TO A PROFESSIONAL SERVICES CONTRACT WITH MS CONSULTANTS FOR ADDITIONAL CONSULTING SERVICES FOR THE STATE ROUTE 91 NORTH TURN LANE IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT (PID 93822); AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. Executive Summary: This Resolution would authorize an increase of $20,775 to the original $399,458.85 contract with MS consultants, inc.first reading  Action details Video Video
18-86 1D. OrdinanceAN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE CITY’S PAY RANGE STRUCTURE ADOPTED BY ORDINANCE NO. 17-185 TO INCLUDE HOURLY REIMBURSEMENTS FOR VOLUNTEER EMERGENCY FIREFIGHTING SERVICE; AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. Executive Summary: This Ordinance amends the 2018 Pay Range Structure to include Volunteer Firefighter Hourly Reimbursements. Volunteer Firefighter Hourly Reimbursements were last increased with Ordinance No. 09-24. The following per hour increases will be effective July 2, 2018; Captains from $13.00 to $16.00, Lieutenants from $12.00 to $15.00, Firefighters from $11.00 to $13.00, Maintenance or Engineering Duty from $12.00 to $14.00.first reading  Action details Video Video
18-87 1E. ResolutionA RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO SPEND ADDITIONAL FUNDS UNDER A PREVIOUSLY COMPETITIVELY BID CONTRACT WITH MOMENTUM TELECOM, INC. FOR WHOLESALE VOICE OVER INTERNET PROTOCOL SERVICES; AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. (As Revised 7/24/2018) Executive Summary: Council authorization is required to spend beyond the previously approved threshold for wholesale VoIP services.first reading  Action details Video Video
18-88 1F. ResolutionA RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO ENTER INTO A CONTRACT WITH ACCEL BUILDING SYSTEMS, LLC FOR THE PURCHASE AND CONSTRUCTION OF A TEMPORARY SALT STORAGE STRUCTURE; AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. Executive Summary: The Public Works Department has ceased using the 95 Owen Brown Street property including the salt dome so that the area may be used as part of the proposed downtown Phase II development. In order to operate a safe and efficient snow and ice program, staff has received State Contract Pricing and requires the purchase and construction of a temporary salt structure.first reading  Action details Video Video
18-89 1G. ResolutionA RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO ADVERTISE FOR BIDS AND TO ENTER INTO A CONTRACT FOR THE DEMOLITION AND REMEDIATION OF THE EXISTING FACILITIES AT 94 AND 100 OWEN BROWN STREET WITH THE LOWEST AND BEST BIDDER; AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. Executive Summary: As part of the preparations for the Downtown Phase II project, the former Windstream Buildings located at 94 & 100 Owen Brown Street will need to be demolished to allow for the redevelopment of the land following the acquisition of the buildings.first reading  Action details Video Video
18-90 1H. OrdinanceAN ORDINANCE VACATING THE UNIMPROVED RIGHT-OF-WAY AT HUDSON CROSSING BUSINESS PARK; AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. Executive Summary: The legislation would remove the unimproved right of way and deed the land to the adjoining property owners.first reading  Action details Video Video
18-74 1A. ResolutionA RESOLUTION TO ACKNOWLEDGE THE CITY’S COMMITMENT TO ENVIRONMENTAL SUSTAINABILITY AND BEST PRACTICES. Executive Summary: The City government in its culture and actions will reflect its commitment to environmental sustainability and will continuously improve environmental practices and will continue to strive to be a model of environmental best practices for the future of the community.third reading  Action details Video Video
18-74 1  ResolutionA RESOLUTION TO ACKNOWLEDGE THE CITY’S COMMITMENT TO ENVIRONMENTAL SUSTAINABILITY AND BEST PRACTICES. Executive Summary: The City government in its culture and actions will reflect its commitment to environmental sustainability and will continuously improve environmental practices and will continue to strive to be a model of environmental best practices for the future of the community.amendedPass Action details Video Video
18-74 1  ResolutionA RESOLUTION TO ACKNOWLEDGE THE CITY’S COMMITMENT TO ENVIRONMENTAL SUSTAINABILITY AND BEST PRACTICES. Executive Summary: The City government in its culture and actions will reflect its commitment to environmental sustainability and will continuously improve environmental practices and will continue to strive to be a model of environmental best practices for the future of the community.adopted as amendedPass Action details Video Video
18-81 1B. OrdinanceAN ORDINANCE AMENDING PART TEN, “STREETS, UTILITIES AND PUBLIC SERVICES CODE” OF THE CODIFIED ORDINANCES, TO ADD NEW CHAPTER 1020 TO REGULATE SMALL CELL FACILITIES AND WIRELESS SUPPORT STRUCTURES IN PUBLIC WAYS; AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. (As Revised 7/17/2018) Executive Summary: This Ordinance will amend Title Two of Part Ten, the Streets, Utilities and Public Services Code of the Codified Ordinances, to add a new Chapter 1020 to respond to the State of Ohio’s recent passage of Substitute House Bill 478 (“HB 478”) concerning small cell facilities in public ways of municipalitiessecond reading  Action details Video Video
18-82 1C. OrdinanceAN ORDINANCE AMENDING PART TEN, “STREETS, UTILITIES AND PUBLIC SERVICES” CODE OF THE CODIFIED ORDINANCES, TO ADD NEW CHAPTER 1022 ADOPTING DESIGN GUIDELINES FOR SMALL CELL FACILITIES AND THEIR SUPPORT STRUCTURES IN PUBLIC WAYS; AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. Executive Summary: This Ordinance will amend Title Two of Part Ten, the Streets, Utilities and Public Services Code of the Codified Ordinances, to add a new Chapter 1022 to respond to the State of Ohio’s recent passage of Substitute House Bill 478 (“HB 478”) concerning small cell facilities in public ways of municipalities.second reading  Action details Video Video
18-91 1D. OrdinanceAN ORDINANCE ENACTING NEW CHAPTER 1421, “EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL CODE,” OF THE BUILDING CODE AND AMENDING SECTION 1, “PLAN SUBMISSION AND GENERAL NOTES,” OF CHAPTER 1419, “ENGINEERING STANDARDS FOR INFRASTRUCTURE CONSTRUCTION” OF THE BUILDING CODE. Executive Summary: The City of Hudson’s Storm Water Management Plan (SWMP) was developed to address the Environmental Protection Agencies (EPA) National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) requirements for storm water quality regulations. In order to comply with the EPA’s requirements, the City must amend its Codified Ordinances to adopt regulations for erosion and sediment control which address stormwater management practices during construction and post-construction.first reading  Action details Video Video
18-92 1E. OrdinanceAN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 1480.01 AND 1480.99 OF THE BUILDING AND HOUSING CODE TO ADOPT THE 2018 EDITION OF THE INTERNATIONAL PROPERTY MAINTENANCE CODE, TO AMEND THE PENALTY SECTION OF CHAPTER 1480; AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. Executive Summary: The legislation would replace the 2015 version specified in the Codified Ordinances with the most recent edition of the International Property Maintenance Code and amend the penalties.first reading  Action details Video Video
18-93 1F. OrdinanceAN ORDINANCE AMENDING VARIOUS SECTIONS OF CHAPTERS 1201, 1202, 1203, 1204, 1205, 1206, 1207, 1208, 1209, 1210, 1211, 1212, AND 1213 AND AT APPENDIXES A, B, AND C OF THE CITY OF HUDSON’S LAND DEVELOPMENT CODE, aka THE “PLANNING AND ZONING CODE”. Brief Description: The bulk of the City’s current Land Development Code (“LDC”) was adopted in 1999 - just five years after the merger of Hudson Village and Hudson Township. While the original 1999 LDC has been amended over the years, a full update has not been undertaken since the LDC’s original adoption. In April of 2017, with a recently adopted Comprehensive Plan in hand (the 2015 Comprehensive Plan - passed on January 19, 2016 by Hudson City Council), the City began a year-long process to update the LDC. The draft amendments represent the Step I administrative-focused amendments. Future updates for Step II - Commercial and Business Land Uses and Step III - Residential Land Uses would be considered at a later date as part of a separate request from City Council.first reading & referral to the Planning Commission  Action details Video Video