Mr. Foster opened the public hearing at 7:38 p.m. There being no comments, Mr. Foster closed the public
hearing at 7:39 p.m.
Public Comments
Correspondence and Council Comments
Mr. Sutton announced that the Fiber to the Home Subcommittee had its final meeting today and will present to
Council next week.
Dr. Goetz stated that the team that worked on College St. culvert did an excellent job and they were helpful to
the residents that live there.
Mr. Banweg stated that the Economic Growth Board will come to Council with their goals in December and
reminded attendees that the business appreciation breakfast is November 21st.
Mr. Foster provided a Planning Commission update.
Report of Manager
Mr. Sheridan stated that the Public Works plan will come before Council in December, City offices are closed
November 28th and November 29th, and that leaf collection is a few days behind schedule . He also recognized
Mr. Comeriato's time and service to the City.
Having missed the opportunity during Public Comment, Mr. Eric "Rick" Nye came to the podium and spoke as
the interested party regarding Resolution No. 24-133. He stated that the reservation strip is located across the
street from his home, he understands the neighbors' concerns, and has no intentions to develop the property
other than to work the land to grow grape vines and apple trees.
A motion was made by Mr. Foster, seconded by Mr. Sutton, to appoint Gregory Hall, Michael
Ryan, Jennifer Spitalieri, Robert Kagler, and Jon Hoover to the Charter Review Commission.
The motion carried by the following vote:
7 - Dr. Goetz, Mrs. Heater, Mrs. Kowalski, Mr. Sutton, Mr. Banweg, Dr.
Bird and Mr. Foster
A motion was made by Mr. Foster, seconded by Mr. Sutton, to appoint Chelsea McCoy and
Sarah Norman to the Charter Review Committee. The motion carried by the following vote:
6 - Mrs. Heater, Mr. Sutton, Mr. Banweg, Dr. Bird, Mr. Foster and Dr. Goetz
1 - Mrs. Kowalski
A motion was made by Mr. Foster, seconded by Mr. Banweg, to appoint Scott Trainor and
Cheri Pagni-Griffith to the Charter Review Committee. The motion carried by the following
4 - Mr. Sutton, Mr. Banweg, Mr. Foster and Mrs. Heater