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File #: 19-74    Version: 1 Name:
Type: Resolution Status: Passed
File created: 4/29/2019 In control: City Council
On agenda: 5/21/2019 Final action: 5/21/2019
Title: A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO ADVERTISE FOR BIDS AND ENTER INTO A CONTRACT FOR THE VETERANS TRAIL PHASE 4 - BARLOW ROAD SIDEWALK PROJECT. Brief Description: The project will include the installation of a trail and sidewalk along the north side of Barlow Road from Terex Road to S.R. 91.
Sponsors: David A. Basil
Indexes: Engineering, Parks
Attachments: 1. Project Location Map, 2. Resolution No. 19-74
Related files: 15-0010, 16-154, 19-64, 16-135, 16-68, 15-68, 20-71, 21-0074



Brief Description:  The project will include the installation of a trail and sidewalk along the north side of Barlow Road from Terex Road to S.R. 91.


Legislative History

15-0010 - Barlow Road Improvement Design Option Discussion (1/27/2015)

15-68 - Enter into a Design Contract with GPD Group (5/19/2015)

16-0020 - Barlow Road Improvements Discussion (2/23/2016)

16-68 - Advertise, Bid and Award a Contract for Barlow Road Widening, Phase I (5/23/2016)

16-135 - Advertise, Bid and Award a Contract for Barlow Road Widening, Phase II (work at railroad crossing) (8/16/2016)

16-154 - Advertise, Bid and Award a Contract for Barlow/Terex Road, W. Intersection Improvements, Phase III (10/4/2016)

19-64 - Enter into a mitigation agreement with the NCRCPD to mitigate wetland impacts for the Veterans Trail Phase 4 - Barlow Road Sidewalk project (4/16/2019)

Purpose & Explanation

This project will include the installation of an 8-foot-wide asphalt trail along the north side of Barlow Road from Terex Road east to the Ellsworth Golf Course.  The asphalt trail will transition to a 7-foot-wide concrete sidewalk across the Ellsworth Golf Course to 1289 Barlow Road.  At this point the sidewalk will transition to a standard 5-foot-wide concrete sidewalk to Darrow Road.  The total project length is 1.55 miles and a location map has been attached for reference.  The trail & sidewalk construction includes storm drainage improvements, grading, driveway repairs, and tree removal.


The current estimated costs of construction of the project is $1,520,000 of which $500,000 will be refunded by an Ohio Department of Natural Recourses (ONDR) grant and approximately $20,000 will be paid by LTC Realty, developer of the former Flood Company property located at 1221 Barlow Road, the for their in-lieu sidewalk fee.  The estimated construction cost of $1,520,000 includes an 8.6% contingency amount ($1,400,000 base contract + $120,000, 8.6% contingency).   After reimbursement from the ODNR grant and private developer funds, the total cost to the City is estimated at $1,000,000.  The project is scheduled to be formally bid in August and construction would begin in October.  The construction duration will be approximately 9 months.


The City will also be responsible for easement acquisition costs estimated at $40,000.  Staff will return to Council when these costs are known.

Legal Authority for Proposed Legislation

Pursuant to Charter Section 6.04:

                       Competitively bid and advertised for two consecutive weeks

                       Joint or Cooperative Purchase Program

                       Professional Services

                     X                       Other - Will be competitively bid

Fiscal Impact

                     X                       Currently Budgeted (205 Park Fund - $800,000, 205 Connectivity Fund - $200,000)

   X      Supplemental Appropriation Required ($520,000 205 Fund for construction and easement costs to be partially reimbursed via ODNR and developer grants)

                          Appropriation Not Required )

Does this legislation require use of an emergency clause?


   X                       No



Suggested Action

Staff recommends that City Council approve this authorization for the City Manager to advertise, receive bids, and enter into a contract for the Project. 

Submitted by,

Jane Howington, City Manager

Thomas J. Sheridan, P.E., P.S., Assistant City Manager - Professional Services

Bradley S. Kosco, P.E., P.S., City Engineer

Nate Wonsick, P.E., Assistant City Engineer