Discussion: The Barlow Road Improvement Options, Costs Estimates and Recommendations.
Executive Summary: The City of Hudson Administration has completed the cost estimates for the Barlow Road Improvements and would like to review the improvement options, cost estimates and recommendations with City Council as requested in the fall of 2014 by Council.
Legislative History
No legislative history.
Purpose & Explanation
The City Administration would like to discuss with City Council the Barlow Road improvement options, cost estimates and recommendations. (See the attached roadway sections and estimates.)
Barlow Road between the intersection of SR 91 and Terex Road to the west is considered a commercial/industrial collector roadway by the current Ohio Department of Transportation design criteria standards. The existing average roadway width is 20-feet wide, with (2) 10-foot lanes and no berm. According to the Ohio Department of Transportation design criteria for a commercial/industrial collector roadway, the minimum roadway width is 22-feet wide, with (2) 11-foot lanes, along with a 1-foot berm width for this type of roadway. The ODOT design criteria's preferred roadway cross-section for this type of roadway is a roadway width of 24-foot, with (2) 12-foot lanes, along with a 1 to 2-foot paved edge berm.
Additional improvements that Council may be interested in discussing are also listed on the attachment including curbing/storm sewer system improvements; railroad grade improvements; a 6-foot wide sidewalk; and the cost of a traffic signal at Barlow/Terex Road intersection.
Timing Considerations
Depending on which of the roadway options is approved by City Council, the administration will implement into the current or into a future annual roadway budget, based on the complexity of the improvement option and engineering required.
Fiscal Impact
Currently Budgeted
X Supplemental Appropriation Required (Bond)
Appropriation Not Required.
Suggested Action
The City Administration recommends City Council approve the 24-foot wide roadway (2) 12-foot lanes, with an 18" paved berm (Option #3) in order to improve this segment of roadway to the current design standards. The funding for this option is not budgeted in the 2015 capital budget and an appropriation or bond will be necessary for any of the attached described options or the additional improvements.
Submitted by,
Jane Howington, City Manager
Thomas J. Sheridan, P.E., P.S., City Engineer