Proposed Veterans Trail Phase 4 Project
Brief Description: The City Staff would like to discuss the status, funding and future of the Veterans Trail Phase 4 Project with City Council and the Mayor.
Legislative History
15-0010 - Barlow Road Improvement Design Option Discussion (1/27/2015)
15-68 - Enter into a Design Contract with GPD Group (5/19/2015)
16-0020 - Barlow Road Improvements Discussion (2/23/2016)
16-68 - Advertise, Bid and Award a Contract for Barlow Road Widening, Phase I (5/23/2016)
16-135 - Advertise, Bid and Award a Contract for Barlow Road Widening, Phase II (work at railroad crossing) (8/16/2016)
16-154 - Advertise, Bid and Award a Contract for Barlow/Terex Road, W. Intersection Improvements, Phase III (10/4/2016)
18-77 - Enter into Addendum with GPD for Additional Consulting Services for Veterans Trail; (6/5/2018)
19-64 - Enter into a mitigation agreement with the NCRCPD to mitigate wetland impacts for the Veterans Trail Phase IV - Barlow Road Sidewalk project (4/16/2019)
19-74 - Authorizes Bid and Award of Veterans Trail Phase IV (5/21/2019)
Purpose & Explanation
Staff would like to discuss with City Council the following items regarding the Veterans Trail Phase 4 Project as outlined in the attachment.
In 2018, the Ohio Department of Natural Resources (ODNR) provided a $500,000 grant to the City for the construction of the Veterans Trail Phase 4 project. The original alignment of the 8’ wide, asphalt trail was entirely along the north side of the right-of-way of Barlow Road, from Terex Road east Ellsworth Golf Course. After a public meeting in 2019, the Veterans Trail Phase 4/Barlow Road Sidewalk Project was postponed due to resident feedback.
Since then, the Barlow Road sidewalk project, from Nicholson Drive to SR 91, has been re-designed, bid and will start construction still this year. In 2019, the City started a redesign of the trail portion of the project, using an alternative alignment through the Grace Presbyterian Church property located at 781 Terex Road and along the north side of Terex Road (back of properties fronting Barlow Road) to the MetroParks Hike & Bike Trail (see map attached).
During the redesign of the trail, it was identified that the church would require approval and potential compensation for the permanent trail easement through the church’s property. Staff has postponed the design of the alternate trail alignment and would like to discuss the status of the Veterans Trail Phase 4 project, and project funding status with Council.
Fiscal Impact
Currently Budgeted (Account #, $)
Supplemental Appropriation Required (Account #, $)
X Appropriation Not Required.
Suggested Action
Staff is looking for Council’s direction on which Trail Route is preferred.
Submitted by,
Jane Howington, City Manager
Thomas J. Sheridan, PE, PS, Assistant City Manager - Professional Services
Bradley S. Kosco, PE, PS, City Engineer
Nate Wonsick, PE, Asst. City Engineer