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File #: 22-0072    Version: 1 Name:
Type: Staff Report Status: Filed
File created: 8/2/2022 In control: City Council Workshop
On agenda: 8/9/2022 Final action: 8/9/2022
Title: Turn Radius at SR 91 and SR 303 Intersection Brief Description: Discussion of the turn radius at the intersection of N. Main Street (SR 91) and SR 303.
Sponsors: Jeffrey L. Anzevino
Indexes: Engineering
Attachments: 1. Exhibit A - 91_303, 2. Exhibit B - 91_303 40WB, 3. Exhibit C - 91_303 50WB, 4. Exhibit D - 91_303 Truck Diagrams
Related files: 18-0082, 18-0072, 17-0014


Turn Radius at SR 91 and SR 303 Intersection

Brief Description:   Discussion of the turn radius at the intersection of N. Main Street (SR 91) and SR 303.


Legislative History

17-0014 - SR 91/SR 303 Intersection Discussion; 2/14/2017
18-0072 - Preliminary Engineering Design and Study; 8/14/2018
18-0082 - Return of ODOT Grant Funding; 9/11/2018

Purpose & Explanation

As a follow up to the recently completed Downtown Pedestrian Safety Study and other on-going improvements near the City’s Historic Greens and intersection, City Council requested a discussion regarding the existing turn radius at the SR 91 and SR 303 intersection and the impacts of turning vehicles, especially trucks, overtopping the curb/sidewalks at the intersection. 

In preparation for the discussion, staff reviewed a previous traffic study that included an evaluation of the SR 91 and SR 303 intersection, evaluating accident data, potential congestion mitigation and geometric improvements including lane widths, signal pole layouts and the turn lane radius.  It was noted in the study, that to fully accommodate semi-trucks, impacts to the downtown Greens would occur.  To avoid impacts to the Greens, the study identified that the existing, back edge of the sidewalks would not be shifted as to minimize impacts.  The final recommended layout identified in the study is shown on Exhibit A. 

Based upon discussion with City Council, City staff will further evaluate measures to the intersection to improve pedestrian safety. 

Fiscal Impact

                                           Currently Budgeted

 _     Supplemental Appropriation Required

    X                       Appropriation Not Required.



Suggested Action

No action needed at this time.

Submitted by,

Thomas J. Sheridan, Interim City Manager
Bradley S. Kosco, PE, PS, City Engineer