The City Administration is reporting to City Council that the grant funding for the SR 91/SR 303 Intersection Improvements Project (PID 102692) will be returned to the Ohio Dept. of Transportation (ODOT) and the Akron Area Metropolitan Transportation Study (AMATS).
Executive Summary: Staff will be returning of the funds awarded for the SR 91/SR 303 Intersection Improvements Project to ODOT and AMATS.
Legislative History
15-173 - Authorization to apply for STP funds programmed by AMATS
17-0014 - SR 91 and SR 303 Intersection Discussion
18-0072 - Discussion regarding the Preliminary Design & Study Services
Purpose & Explanation
Staff is reporting to City Council the return of the funding to AMATS & ODOT for the SR 91/303 Intersection Improvements Project (PID 102692). The City Manager will send a letter to ODOT and AMATS requesting the funds be returned and AMATS will make the necessary changes to the Transportation Improvement Plan (TIP). No other legislation is necessary at this time.
Timing Considerations
The letter from the City Manager will be sent to the above agencies in the coming weeks and will be reported on the TIP in Dec. 2018. Grant amount $1,872,000.
Fiscal Impact
Currently Budgeted
Supplemental Appropriation Required
Appropriation Not Required.
Suggested Action
The City Administration is reporting to the City Council that the grant funding for the SR 91/SR 303 Intersection Improvements Project (PID 102692) will be returned to the Ohio Dept. of Transportation (ODOT) and the Akron Area Metropolitan Transportation Study (AMATS).
Submitted by,
Jane Howington, City Manager
Thomas J. Sheridan, PE, PS, Assistant City Manager - Professional Services