Discussion: SR 91 and SR 303 Intersection Improvement Project Discussion.
Executive Summary: The City of Hudson Engineering Department applied to the AMATS (Akron Metropolitan Area Transportation Study) for an STP Grant in 2015-16. The application was approved and the City is prepared to draft a Request for Proposals (RFP) for the design of this project in the future. Staff would like to discuss the project and its potential impacts on the Hudson downtown area with City Council.
Legislative History
15-173 - Apply for STP funds programmed by AMATS - November 3, 2015
Purpose & Explanation
The City Administration would like to discuss with City Council the SR 91 & SR 303 Improvements prior to drafting a Request for Proposals (RFP). The City received a grant in 2016 from AMATS for $1,892,000 for the right-of-way and construction for this project. The estimated total cost of right-of-way and construction = $2,340,000. The City would be responsible for 100% of the design, which is estimated at $450,000, and 20% of the construction and right-of-way, which is estimated at $470,000.
The project includes pavement milling, resurfacing, striping, widening as needed, lighting, signage, curbing, drainage, safety improvements, sidewalks and analysis of the intersection and nearby intersections.
The City Engineering Department is proposing a two-stage design process for this project. The first stage will evaluate the available options at this intersection for design (i.e. Infrastructure improvements, new technology - new detection systems, microwave, low priority preemption integration, etc., downtown modeling, value engineering, etc.) and to minimize the impacts to the existing "Greens". Staff will return to City Council following first stage of the preliminary design to discuss and recommend an option before proceeding to the second stage = final design improvement selection.
Timing Considerations
If this is acceptable to City Council, the City S...
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