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File #: 16-63    Version: 1 Name:
Type: Resolution Status: Passed
File created: 3/8/2016 In control: City Council
On agenda: 4/19/2016 Final action: 4/19/2016
Title: A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO ENTER INTO A CONTRACT WITH MR. EXCAVATOR, INC. FOR THE NORTH MAIN STREET - DOWNTOWN CORRIDOR IMPROVEMENT PROJECT SUM-91-14.67 (PID 93820); AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. Executive Summary: This project consists of the reconstruction of the N. Main Street (SR 91) from Streetsboro Street (SR 303) to Owen Brown Street. The project also includes the replacement of the waterline, pervious pavers, colored concrete walks, lighting, retaining wall, a new traffic signal at N. Main Street and Clinton/Aurora Streets, street trees, storm sewer work and other streetscape improvements.
Sponsors: David A. Basil
Indexes: Engineering, Finance - Appropriations and Budget
Attachments: 1. Bid Summary, 2. Bid Tabulation, 3. Sandstone Retaining Wall vs. Modular Wall, 4. Silva Cells, 5. Resolution No. 16-63
Related files: 12-134, 13-151, 13-161, 14-101, 14-113, 16-4



Executive Summary:   This project consists of the reconstruction of the N. Main Street (SR 91) from Streetsboro Street (SR 303) to Owen Brown Street.  The project also includes the replacement of the waterline, pervious pavers, colored concrete walks, lighting, retaining wall, a new traffic signal at N. Main Street and Clinton/Aurora Streets, street trees, storm sewer work and other streetscape improvements.


Legislative History

11-111:  Applied to AMATS for Federal Funding
12-134:  Entered into a LPA Agreement with ODOT for N. Main St. Downtown Corridor Improvements SUM-91-14.67 (PID 93820)
13-151:  Applied to AMATS for additional Federal Funding
13-161: Entered into contract with GPD Group for design services
14-101:  Entered into an Agreement with Ohio EPA for Grant
14-113:  Entered into an amended LPA Agreement with ODOT for additional funding
16-4: Permission to Advertise and accept bids.

Purpose & Explanation

Bids were received on Thursday, April 14, 2016 for the N. Main Street - Downtown Corridor Improvements SUM-91-14.67 (PID 93820).  Below is the Engineer’s Estimate along with the respective bids.

Engineer’s Estimate:  $3,363,655.90 (base bid estimate)

Mr. Excavator, Inc.                     $3,225,659.69
M. Campbell Contracting, LLC
S.E.T., Inc.

As part of the bid package there were 3 add alternate items, as well as 8 in-lieu of items.  (Refer to Bid Summary for a running total for each add alternate item.)  The add alternate items must be awarded in consecutive order (cannot award Alternate 3 without Alternate 2, etc.).  The in-lieu of items can be awarded individually.

Staff is recommending the award of add alternate items 1 thru 3 and 7 in-lieu of items bringing the bid total to $4,413,011.39:

Add Alternate 1 - Waterwork
Add Alternate 2 - Nightwork
Add Alternate 3 - Salvaging Brick Pavers

In-Lieu of items:
City Standard Pedestrian ADA Push Button
City Standard Back-up Power Signal Supply
City Standard Video Detection
Sandstone Retaining Wall
Silva Cells (includes larger light pole foundations)
Colored Concrete Walk, 4”
Colored Concrete Walk, 8”

The City Administration is requesting City Council approval to authorize the City Manager to award and enter into a contract for the N. Main Street - Downtown Corridor Improvements SUM-91-14.67 (PID 93820).  The Engineering Staff is requesting a 10% contingency for any unforeseen issues that may arise during construction for a total cost of $441,301.14.

Based on Staff’s recommendation the apparent low bidder would be Mr. Excavator, Inc.

Total Contract = $4,854,312.53
Base - $3,225,659.69
Add Alternates - $993,842.54
In Lieu of Items - $193,509.16
Contingency -$441,301.14

Timing Considerations

Upon authorization to proceed by the City Council, the administration will award and enter into a contract with Mr. Excavator, Inc. for the above amounts.

Fiscal Impact

                     X                       Currently Budgeted ($2,935,125)

                     X                       Supplemental Appropriation Required ($1,919,187.53)

                       Appropriation Not Required.



Suggested Action

Staff recommends that City Council approve this Resolution authorizing the City Manager to award and enter into a contract with Mr. Excavator, Inc. and we are requesting an emergency clause be added to this legislation in order to maintain the public health and welfare.

Submitted by,

Jane Howington, City Manager
Thomas J. Sheridan, PE, PS, City Engineer
Christopher J. Papp, PE, Assistant City Engineer