A Discussion regarding the status of the Downtown Corridor Improvements Design.
Executive Summary: GPD Group, the City's design consultant, has been working on the plan development for the Downtown Corridor Improvement Project. The City Staff has held several meetings with the N. Main St. merchants and one meeting with the public. The sidewalk and curb materials, sidewalk on the Green, and parking have been the most significant items of feedback. Staff would like Council's input before moving toward finalizing of the plans with the consultant.
Legislative History
12-134 - Enter into an LPA Agreement
13-161 - Enter into contract with GPD for engineering design services
14-101 - Enter into an agreement with Ohio EPA for N. Main Street Demonstration Grant
Purpose & Explanation
The City retained GPD Group to develop the detailed construction plans and specifications for the N. Main Street Downtown Corridor Project, an AMATS funded project. The City staff has held several meetings with Downtown merchants and the public to get input on the current design options. Within each of these meetings several items of concern which were brought to our attention were: A.) walks on the Greens, B.) the variety of construction materials, and C.) loss of parking stalls. The City staff has worked with our consultant to develop a variety of options to maintain our current parking stall numbers within this area. Please see Figure numbers 1-9.
A. Regarding walks on the greens, the current plan proposes a path meandering along the west side of the Clock Tower Green from Church St. to E. Main St. (Please see Figure number 1). The majority of the merchants on N. Main St. and the public opinion questionnaires were not in favor of this walkway on the green. Also, the public opinions requested that a walk be added to the west side of the gazebo green from Streetsboro Street (SR 303) to Church Street. Please note that City staff received only written feedb...
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