Continued discussion of the potential purchase and renovations of Georgetown Road properties for the operations of the Public Works Service Division
Brief Description: City Staff will present more extensive financial data regarding the three (3) PW facility options, which include the purchase and renovations of the Georgetown properties, remaining in the current leased space, and constructing a new facility.
Legislative History
Public Works Facility Discussions: File #17-0003, 1/10/2017; #18-0014, 2/13/2018; #20-0015, 2/18/2020; #20-0146, 11/10/2020, #21-0019; 3/9/2021
Purpose & Explanation
Following the March 9, 2021, staff presentation of the feasibility study to consider the purchase and renovations of the two existing buildings and a third parcel located on Georgetown Road, City Council asked that staff prepare a more in-depth comparison of the options including advantages, disadvantages, and further financial analysis. As such, the City’s data team has developed the attached additional information to present to City Council for further discussion.
Timing Considerations
Fiscal Impact
Currently Budgeted (Account #, $)
Supplemental Appropriation Required (Account #, $)
X Appropriation Not Required.
Suggested Action
Staff recommends Council discussion and direction.
Submitted by,
Jane Howington, City Manager
Frank J. Comeriato, Jr., Asst. City Manager-Operations
Emily Fernandez, Data Management Analyst
Suzan Chapman, Business Operations Manager